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Online petition - Media Awareness for CHD ( Congenital Heart Defects )
Who am I? I'm a God Fearing Woman, a child of God, a follower of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior,a firm believer in prayer, and a teacher of the Word. Also, I'm a Veteran happy to say "I'm proud to be a American". I'm originally from the Blue Grass State, Kentucky. I grew up poor in the country and learned many lessons along my path of life from my parents and grandparents. Among those lessons were to love God with all my heart, pray without ceasing, and forgiveness. I'm so very thankful for these lessons I learned. From my mom, I was taught to trust in God and take everything to God in Prayer. Also, she taught me the importance of making things by hand, preserving your own food, and the beauty to gardening. Dad taught me the hard work that goes into growing your own food and reaping a harvest. My dear grandmother taught me to never waste anything and how to cook. Grandfather taught me the joy of being around animals and to never doubt my abilities. At an early age, I learned to take care of others and liked it so much that I went to college and received degrees in Nursing, Community Health and Communications by working my way through. In the 1980's I went to Graduate School to get my degree in Medical Social Work but was unable to finish due to lack of funds. Children hold a special place in my heart. I've taught pre-school and dearly loved every minute of it. While working as a nurse, I worked in Pediatrics, which became my favorite area of nursing.I was in the United States Navy for a few years. While in the military I met the guy I would marry, Tom. We have been together now for over almost 20 years and we pray we'll be together for many more years to come. About 3 years after being married, I was diagnosed with Cervical Cancer and had to have surgery which put an end to us having children. I've been a Cancer Survivor twice, survived a Heart Attack, recovered from a Stroke, and have learned to I've with Congenital Heart Disease, Asthma, Systemic Lupus and depression. What got me through all of these trials? My firm belief in prayer and and my strong faith in God. I'm so thankful to be able to pray and read my Bible withhout fear of persecution.
Due to illness, I'm no longer able to work outside the home, but I work hard knitting items like afghans, baby blankets, prayer shawls, pillows, and other items, making fleece spreads,creating yarn wreaths,cooking, gardening and preserving the food I grow during our short summers. I love flowers, flowering shrubs, and Spring/Fall Bulbs so much that each year I add to my beautiful flower garden. I do many things for neighbors who are in need by making things for them and providing support to them in any way I can.I love animals and currently have 1 cat named "Tabby", a yellow lab named "Mr. BoJangles" and another dog my husband and I rescued from the pound about 11 years ago named "Natasha".All in all, I'm thankful for what I have because it was given to me by God. He has seen that all my needs are being met and I have confidence that he will continue to do so. Thank You God.
Christian Myspace Layouts - Cross MySpace Layouts
ABC News: Cancer Patients Hit Up Prom http://abcnews.go.com/Health/story?id=5040470&page...
This story touched my heart...As I'm sure it will touch yours.