I like to swim in dirty pools, lakes, rivers, canoe, fish, collect reptiles, paint, draw, watch movies, workout, yoga, dye my hair crazystyle, makeout in public places, cook good homestyle meals, read, read tattoo mags, bike, ROADTRIPS, drink whiskey, screw and fight.... I think that about sums it up!
My Mother's Father
Anything but country....
I'm a big Quentin Tarantino fan, & I love John Waters.... My favorite movie is Natural Born Killers. I'm lucky I don't have a fat ass cause I watch alot of movies! Run Lola Run, RAising Arizona, Barfly, Meet the Feebles, House of 1000 Corpses, Nice Dreams, Sin City, Big Trouble in Little China, Dogma, Hairspray, Crybaby, Cecil B. Demented, Desperate Living, Jackie Brow, Pulp Fiction, Birds, Carnival of Souls, Excorcist, Freaks, Invasion of the Body Snatcher, Silence of the Lambs, Jacob's Ladder, Seven, Bonnie and Clyde, Rosemary's Baby, Poltergeist, Jaws, Silent Hill, The Hills Have Eyes( both versions), Cube, Real Genius, Weird Science, Big, As Good As It Gets, The Shining, Very Bad Things, Reefer Madness, Finding Nemo, Kill Bill 1&2, True Romance, Artificial Intelligence, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Chasing Amy, Basketball Diaries, Fight Club, Office Space, Road To Perdition, What Dreams May Come, Men Prefer Blondes, How to marry a Millionaire, Cat's Eye, HalloweenI-III, May, 12 Monkeys, Brazil, Creepshow, Freeway, Dog Day Afternoon, Pink Flamingos, Cat's Eye, Evil Dead, Big Lebowski, Masters of horror series, Suicide Kings, Edward Scissorhands, Full Metal Jacket, Psycho (not the remake), Way of the Gun just to name a few.... Terry Gilliam ( Meaning of Life, Life of Brian,the Parrot Sketch, Brazil, 12 Monkeys, Fisher King, Adventures of Baron Muncausen, and TIME BANDITS) is my favorite director/producer. If you don't know you should.
Wonder Showzen, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Ren and Stimpy, Beavis and Butthead, Nip/ Tuck, Big Love...
This one took a while to come to grips with. But it would have to be my Grandma. Who never stopped smiling, even after Cancer took her breasts and eventually her life. She was the bravest kindest soul and I'm honored to have known her.