well I have alot of inertests #1 being outdoors #2 kickin it with friends and family #3 going to the club and spend a couple of dubz..#4 and my new interest is starting to breed pits, I have a papered red nose and bluenose pit bull named the cuzzin...
Some who loves them selves, and knows what they want in life and knows how to get it.......
I listend to alot of baby making music, like Marvin gaye, barry white, usher "got let burn", rap all bay area rap. Cant for get about about BOB Marley!!!!!
got to keep it gangster Scareface, good fellas, king of new York. alltime scary movie is slepaway camp....
sorry about the picture but myspace is tripping right now so check the pic on yahoo!!!!
http://f1.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/dank408/detail?.dir=/Yahoo! +Photo+Album&.dnm=me.jpg
my grampa super.