elaisonline profile picture


the offical elaisonline myspace

About Me

hey all well am 15 from lebanon and my name is elias my fan name is elais my b-day is on 7-july am born in 1993...
-well i hope i can make a album and dvd in the nearest time or when i am older i can make a album and a dvd and conserts and have a official site...
-i'll be posting bulitins more about me so cheak them out and u can allways ask me any question and i'll anser it...
-if u want a autograph from me for u or a friend just tell me the following:

-ur name or friends name the one that i nead to write -u want me in the pic holding the paper with the autograph or only the paper -what do u want me to write on the paper or i chowse whats to write on it -and ur email so i can send it to u or ur myspace url or link

-new updates will be up soune on my profile so stay in toutch and keap cheakin my page for the laitest updates

hey guys i allways love hearing from all of u and staying in contact with u all at the same time so hears theise numbers dawn by calling them u can leave me a message and i will reply u back when i cheak it out and u can text me too
saynow - 650-331-4999 text me at elaisonlie 729669
snapvine - 1(647)724-4194 Code: *5064755
by callin this privet snapvine number u can post me a comment directly the code sean hear dosen't change its maide espachialy for u guys and u can post a message for me by ur mic but i preafur by cell ur will be hidden from allways and from other users but when u call from ur cell i can reply thats why... only long distenses cost

hey guys i oppend a fan mail so i can get more in toutch with my friends and fans i have to fan mails the links for them is dawn
[email protected] and [email protected]
the first mail is for chating only it will be oppened one day for mailing when its oppened i'll tell u all the second is for chating and emailing and don't forget if u mail me i just might reply u back so add me and mail me and allways stay in toutch cuz i love hearing from all off u
mail me on my msn and hotmail mail | mail me on my yahoo mail
hey u wona know haw mutch u know about me press on the pictures daw and taik the qwize and see haw mutch u know about me and don't forget to cheak out the best ppl the top ppl who know me the best and who have taikin the qwiz its just for fun and for u all to get to know me more its fun and many liked it so cheak it out and play and tell me haw mutch u'v got and what do u think about it
hey guys this is one way to contact me and fans and meat new friends u can chat with me hear this group is my offical one and is plaiced in my site just follow the link dawn and ur theire click on hear and go to my pvt site

My Interests


Member Since: 1/12/2008
Band Website: elaisonline.piczo.com
Band Members:


hey all yall can vote for me if ur a fan or not and ur faverit song... no one will know what u voted for so vote acording to what u think don't lie just to make me like happy say the true think that u think chouse the anser that u like...vote couse i love knowing what u all think and i respect ur opinion


hey guys well just wanted to tell yall if u wona show some support u can copy the code that is in the code and put it on any site that accsepts html... if u did linke me then a speachel thax to u and to all who did support me by puting this on theire site so support me couse this realy means alot to me i love u all stay in toutch
go to elaisonline go to elaisonline


hey guys wona see me in 3-D at least my logo well naw's ur chance click on pics and go to my album elaisonline - now in 3-D but be sure to be loged in onto ur accawnt and be sure to be on my friends list and when ur theire u can cheak out my logo in 3-D if u have the 3-D galsses this wouldn't werk without them but if u don't have the glasses the pics are still cool and u'll like them the pics are 100% deziened by me and theire copy righted and just to tell u all all myspace pictures and other sites that are officaly for me all theires pics are copy righted so plz don't copy and i am gona be neading all of ur help to spread the word about my 3-D new logo so i'v maide a code so u all can support me by and the code can be posted anywere the first code u see hear is not totaly 3-D the second code has the newest logo thats all in 3-D cheak it out and thanx for the support
old 3-D logo:
new 3-D logo:


hey guys don't forget to cheak out the new 3-D album pic all u have to do is press on the picture up and ur theire or go up and press pic thats under my picture and then ur right at my albums just see the one thats said elaisonline - 3-D album and cheak it out and a video will be uploaded soune on profile to see it u can press videos under my pic and when ur theire when u see the video with the pic as the pic u see up then ur theire and don't forget to tell me what u think and post comments and spread the word all about it stay in toutch cuz i have thawsends of new updates and anawnsements and contestes comin soune

Sounds Like:
Record Label: N/A
Type of Label: Major