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Shah Loskar

About Me

Since the launch of a mini album in 1999, we were anticipating that this rapper, originally from Montreal and now located in Ottawa, would come back in full force. LeShah spent many years developing his art in Montreal and took part in the early French rap underground movement. Following an extended journey in France, He returned to Canada confident that his art would bring him the artistic satisfaction he had been searching for so long. In 1999, he produced an impressive demo CD as well as a video to back up this project then shortly after released his debut album titled “Merveilleux Monde de Loskarville” which represents a mythical world created to heighten public awareness and show how both languages as well as social geography had affected his career. The video effectively promoted the song entitled Brouhaha (uproar) that received great praise. More recognition came along when after performing at the International Festival of Granby, LeShah received two (2) SOCAN Awards at the 2001 Ontario Gala; one for Best Live Performance and on the same album the song titled Outlaw also won Best Song. He was also nominated in 2005 at le Gala des Prix Trille Or, for Best New Artist.
The second album titled “Manière Forte (Le Frenchman)” is a new episode in the urban saga of the artist. The melodies are varied and well elaborated. The lyrics are mainly in French and includes at times some English, Spanish and Creole lyrics which gives a cosmopolitan flavour to the album.
The Haitian-born HipHop artist, Jean Chéry alias LeShah knows the importance of protecting our culture and you get immediately hooked once you listen to his songs. He succeeds in a tour de force of finding ways to stuff complex words in a rhythmic flow where the sonority of the vowels arises in an impressive way, something that most rappers out there have not been able to accomplish. The album brings something fresh and new; it certainly seems like there’s a lot more to come and we are just starting to get familiar with LeShah. Like he said on the track “Caprices”, “MC souviens-toi de mon nom”.

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Member Since: 8/7/2007
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Record Label: SEAM Group International
Type of Label: Indie

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Back From A Canadian Tour!!! Hey check out the page!!! Leave some feedback!!!
Posted by on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 17:48:00 GMT

Shahs TV interview and debate with other guests at TFO

Posted by on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 22:31:00 GMT

LeShah Welcomes You / Leshah Vous Souhaite La Bienvenue

N'hésitez pas à me faire part de vos commentaires. I would like to hear from people in the music industry.
Posted by on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 05:28:00 GMT