Megan [I love the rats HATE the rats] profile picture

Megan [I love the rats HATE the rats]

This is not a cheerocracy. I am the cheertator.

About Me

Anemia is getting me down.

My Interests

I read and write essays mostly.Besides that I avoid going out. I don't get drunk, which means that I notice when bars and parties are the same as they were last weekend and the week before and the week before.....I like your cat. Probably not your dog though.

I'd like to meet:

People taller than me. People smaller than me. People with crooked teeth. People into hardcore, circa 1992.


Anti-parent culture sounds


Just Wet Hot American Summer over and over. What else is there, really?


You mean the one that is yellow with diagonal lines through it that goes out everytime the 6,7, or 71 bus goes by? No, I don't think I watch that one. I do, however, watch Project Runway at Shad's house. Can't help it.


My Mom, Oscar Wilde, Beau Brummell, David Bowie... Max Weber, Erving Goffman, Georg Simmel, Emile Durkheim, and Thorstein Veblen. Oh, and this lady

My Blog


  Goodbye Mills.... Now I will actually have time for these lovely people ...
Posted by Megan [I love the rats HATE the rats] on Wed, 17 May 2006 05:05:00 PST

Pacific Sociological Association Annual Meeting

As a sort of ending to my adademic career at Mills College, a few of us attended the PSA in Universal City.  I presented on my thesis at a roundtable about the social construction of appearance.&...
Posted by Megan [I love the rats HATE the rats] on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 09:05:00 PST

Photos from Peru

New Years Eve, Lima, Peru Catacombs in the San Francisco Church, Lima, Peru Feeding a Llama, and being terrified of it. This is an Inkan ruin, called Ullantaytambo.  I climbed all the way up t...
Posted by Megan [I love the rats HATE the rats] on Mon, 06 Feb 2006 10:56:00 PST

Of Recent Events

First of all, please people, no hitting/punching/kicking/general no-no behavior.  Unless it is in response to a sexual harassment (which can be dealt with in other ways, such as spitting in the p...
Posted by Megan [I love the rats HATE the rats] on Mon, 06 Feb 2006 10:24:00 PST

My Thesis is DONE

  I just finished my undergraduate thesis for sociology. 60 pages of mind blowing history, exploration, and analysis of dandies. The First Duty of Life is to be as Artificial as Possible: The Dan...
Posted by Megan [I love the rats HATE the rats] on Fri, 09 Dec 2005 05:59:00 PST

Does anyone not drink alcohol?

Can we be friends?  Maybe we can hang out at evening time and then go to our separate homes and go to sleep by, say, 11pm. Then, sometimes we could wake up around, say 9am and have breakfast or ...
Posted by Megan [I love the rats HATE the rats] on Wed, 23 Nov 2005 07:22:00 PST

First Draft

So... over a month ago I wrote the 0th draft of my thesis. Now I am writing the 1st draft.  It is much better.  If you want to read it and give me constructive criticism, I'll send it to yo...
Posted by Megan [I love the rats HATE the rats] on Mon, 21 Nov 2005 05:23:00 PST

Anyone want a thesis? I don't want mine anymore

You know the turning point from feeling excited to feeling overwhelmed and bored?  Its happened.  Right here.  Right now.  The thought of sitting in front of a computer and typing...
Posted by Megan [I love the rats HATE the rats] on Wed, 19 Oct 2005 01:37:00 PST