The National Socialist Party profile picture

The National Socialist Party

Safety Dictates That All Unnecessary Conversation Must Be Avoided

About Me

It's the abominable hoe-man.

My Interests

I'm a man who respects a good coma.


- 9 Shocks Terror, - All Shall Perish, - Anal Cunt, - Artimus Pyle, - Asunder, - Attitude Adjustment, - Aus-Rotten, - Authorities, The - Behind Enemy Lines, - Black Flag, - Blown to Bits, - Born/Dead, - Brainoil, - Brother Inferior, - Bruce Banner, - Capitalist Casualties, - Case of Emergency, - Catheter, - Caustic Christ, - Charles Bronson, - Code 13, - Code of Honor, - Crucial Unit, - Crucifucks, - DAS OATH, - Dead Kennedys, - Deadfall, - Death by Excess, - Discharge, - Discordance Axis, - Dot [.], - DS-13, - Dystopia, - ExTxAx, - Eyehategod, - Find Him and Kill Him, - Fuck on the Beach, - Gang Green, - Go Like This, - Godstomper, - Government Issue, - Graves At Sea, - Gravy Train!!!!, - Grimple, - Hellnation, - His Hero Is Gone, - I Object!, - I Will Kill You Fucker!!! - Ill Repute, - Infest, - Instant Asshole, - Iron Lung, - Jewdriver, - JFA, - Job For a Cowboy - Jud Jud, - Lack of Interest, - Laudanum - Lana Dagalas, - Le Scrawl, - Life's Halt!, - Look Back and Laugh, - Los Crudos, - Machine Gun Romantics, - Man Is the Bastard, - Masskontrol, - MDC, - Municipal Waste, - Myth of Progress, - Necros, - Negative Approach, - Negative FX - Ohuzaru, - Operation Ivy, - Phobia, - Plutocracy, - Public Enemy, - RAMBO, - RAUM - Reagan SS, - Regulations, - Resilience, - Riistetyt, - Scholastic Deth, - Scurvy Dogs, - Skitsystem, - SPAZZ, - Strung Up!, - Suicidal Tendencies, - Tear it Up, - The Accused, - The Locust, - The Malnourished, - The Unseen, - Threatener, - Tragedy, - Urban Waste, - Uzi Suicide, - Verbal Abuse, - Voetsek, - Void, - War All the Time, - Wasted Youth, - What Happens Next?, ...


I'm a Film Major. Emphasis in Writing/Directing.


Family Guy, The Shield, Scrubs.


The Alphabet of Manliness, Band of Brothers, The Shining, The Voice of the Butterfly, 1984, Animal Farm, If Chins Could Kill, Wasteland, Catcher in the Rye, Silent Bob Speaks [The Collected Writings of Kevin Smith], A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints, and a handful of books about filmmaking.


Fuck you.

My Blog

Today I Revolution; Yesterday I Revolutioned.

Shootigan: The Killing ProcessI get recognized around my campus for that movie. I'm actually really proud of it. This is astonishing to me considering we made this in 16 hours, with 7 hours of editing...
Posted by The National Socialist Party on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 01:24:00 PST

A Little Known Mathematical Fact About Ryan Amazing

I love Addition!!A little something in addition to my previous blog (Entitled: What A Cunt.). I thought I should also mention that this is the general census amongst the majority of my friends. Apolog...
Posted by The National Socialist Party on Thu, 03 Aug 2006 02:49:00 PST

What a Cunt.

You know, I can take a lot of shit with ease and just sort of keep going with life. But there are certain hypocricies or otherwise baffling actions that I believe no human to be strong/man enough to t...
Posted by The National Socialist Party on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 04:00:00 PST

I Know You Can Hear Me; I'm Aquaman!

Life is unusually predictable these days. It's been a while since I've had to live on my toes. I want to live more like the protest back in July. When all of us had to act quickly... and back when we ...
Posted by The National Socialist Party on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 01:04:00 PST

I Do Surveys, Too From Time to Time

  1. Sleep with or without clothes on?Without, like a real man.2. Prefer black or blue pens?Black, blue fades alot faster. 3. Dress up on Halloween?I usually do. This year I was Dr. Caldwell...
Posted by The National Socialist Party on Sun, 11 Dec 2005 03:30:00 PST

What if I Move it an Inch? Will You Touch Me?

-Yesterday was tight, alot happened. I met up with Casey and Noa at embarcadero bart, then we walked our way up towards 16th and mission until we met up with the rest of the march. We marched in the b...
Posted by The National Socialist Party on Mon, 26 Sep 2005 10:04:00 PST

That tire... murdered Mary.

Why are blogs such a bitch to put up now? Way to fuck up, myspace. Relationships with people are just temporary vices on your humanity. I don't mean having friends, friends are needed and vital to y...
Posted by The National Socialist Party on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

West Coast Anti-Capitalist Mobilization

Marched in the West Coast Anti-Capitalist Convergence and March against the G8 tonight. It was pretty tight. Sea full of anarchists, black masks over our faces marching up the middle of Mission street...
Posted by The National Socialist Party on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

What the fuck?

My main counter on my home page doesn't work anymore, it hasn't gone up at all in the last week, yet I keep getting comments and friend requests... and aparently 22 blog views today... something here ...
Posted by The National Socialist Party on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The American Dream

I'm in an oddly good mood... more or less content, really. Today sucked less than I thought it would. Once I got word that everything wasn't happening until hella late in the day (which it did) I th...
Posted by The National Socialist Party on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST