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The Fost


About Me

My name is Mike.
..AIM- here4we4go4again

My Interests

Bass, Airsoft, Skating..

I'd like to meet:

Herkermer Homolka


Tupac, Job for a cowboy, Public Enemy, The WU TANG CLAN, Murder Practice, Lionheart, Immortal Technique, Jedi Mind Tricks, Geto Boys, Scholastic Deth, What Happens Next?, Agathocoles, Find Him and Kill Him, R.A.M.B.O., Infest


Master and Commander, Enemy at the Gates


Simpsons, SOUTH PARK, Scrubs, Family Guy, Futurama, Seinfeld, Malcolm in the Middle, Mythbusters, Invader Zim, Doug, Rocko's Modern Life, King of the Hill.

My Blog

New camera, so I’m dicking around.

My sister gave me her old camera (thanks Laura) so I guess I better post a couple stupid pictures.  I mean, I don't think I have a choice here.  It has to be done.  My aquarium set up.F...
Posted by The Fost on Thu, 01 May 2008 08:20:00 PST

"...they’re the WORST at not sucking."

...vintage Foster.  Don't know why I'm writing here, xanga is much better, and people actually read it.  Not sure why anyone would be interested in anything I have to say though.  I t...
Posted by The Fost on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 01:15:00 PST

Commander Cool, on sXe.

I play bass in hardcore band, and being a part of that whole scene naturally puts me in a lot of contact with straight edge kids.  Now, I'm all for straight edge.  I support doing what you w...
Posted by The Fost on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 05:18:00 PST

Well, it's a good thing...

...that Strife is fucking impossible to beat.  Makes sense I guess.  I mean, why would video game producers make games that are physically possible to beat? Fucking Soul Calibur....
Posted by The Fost on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 05:54:00 PST

Something that really annoys me:

When people post bulletins containing ideas they mean to express to ONE person, especially when it's about something personal. 
Posted by The Fost on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 05:44:00 PST

Why is it

that so many bands need a bass player?  It's ridiculous.  Don't be shy, just ask me.   HA
Posted by The Fost on Wed, 30 May 2007 01:26:00 PST

Everyone who isn't me drives like an asshole.

So, you know, stop it.
Posted by The Fost on Thu, 17 May 2007 05:42:00 PST

Concord High Battle of the Bands:

We tore shit up.  Fuck. If you were there, thanks for coming, even if you weren't there for us.  If you weren't there, I strongly suggest catching our next show, because we'll have more song...
Posted by The Fost on Fri, 11 May 2007 12:11:00 PST

This summer...

   In a world, where I'm a private investigator for some reason...
Posted by The Fost on Tue, 08 May 2007 02:56:00 PST

For those concerned

If you see a cliff, and you think to yourself "SELF, that cliff looks easy enough to climb down!" you should follow that thought with "self you're an idiot for thinking that, don't do it." &...
Posted by The Fost on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 10:43:00 PST