Graphic Design, film, writing, the arts, hockey, baseball, stating the random, sitting on my front lawn pointing a hairdryer at cars to see if they slow down, wallowing in my own crapulence, over-sized foam novelty cowboy hats, Thursday night softball, trying to find new and creative uses for pudding, thermonuclear fusion, the ever versatile tortilla, stretching a single into a double, The LA Kings, The Dodgers, expressing myself whenever possible
Favorites include (but not limited to)...
Faith No More, The Beatles, Tori Amos, Metallica, Big Wreck, Thornley, Sigur Ros, Guns N' Roses, Massive Attack, This Mortal Coil, The Killers, Primus, Zero 7, Journey, pretty much anything by Mike Patton, Rob Zombie, PJ Harvey, Korn when the mood strikes me, Danny Elfman, Breaking Benjamin, The Ramones, ABBA & The Bee Gees (yeah, I'm comfortable enough to admit that), Bjork, Nirvana, the comedy stylings of Busta Rhymes, Pantera or Prong when I'm angry, Rammstien, rock songs with bagpipes, the occasional Notorious BIG, anything that keeps me company when I'm up late. Quite frankly, if it doesn't have a keytar in it I don't want to hear it
Again, too many to mention but if I was forced to pick one all time favorite movie, I'd have to go with The Empire Strikes Back. Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Spielberg films are a standard. Most Tim Burton & Fincher films, early Zemeckis, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Sam Raimi + Bruce Campell = good film, The Secret of NIHM, comic book adaptations that are done well (Batman 1968 & 1989 versions, Spider-Man, the original Superman) Love Actually for sentimental reasons, Shawshank Redemption, The Jerk, Bill Murray in his prime (which is pretty much his entire career), any movie with Tim Curry as the villian, Tom Hanks as the comic lead, and Dustin Hoffman as the autistic.
Family Guy, Lost, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Arrested Development, South Park, The Daily Show, Simpsons in its hay-day, SNL ('92-96, '98- until Ferrel left). RIP: Mr. Show, Mystery Science Theater 3000, Chapelle's Show, Kids in the Hall
"Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankle, "Letters from a Nut Vol. 1&2" by Ted Nancy, "I am Legend" by Richard Matheson ( I know, quite a potpourri of literature).
Anyone that inspires me. This person can be famous, unknown, a relative, a friend. I'm pretty lucky to have the friends I do.Adam West, Bruce Campbell, Mitch Hedberg and Mike Patton are gods among men...