Josh profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

The special of the day here is blackened whitefish, reddened green fish, sarcasm, positive cynicism and irony. Try the pie, you'll be glad you did.
About me...hmmmmm...
I was born in the war torn, poverty stricken city of Los Angeles where I attended DeVry on a football scholarship and eventually got a degree in microwave cookery from Amir's Falafel Academy. I'm currently in school going for my bachelors in the Arts (Film & Design), and aside from my current day job I'm a free-lance graphic designer. I've designed for various companies including GE, ESPN, and Universal Studios among others. I'm also the occasional writer and film maker (write, direct, edit, produce, storyboard, cater, I do it all). As long as I have a creative outlet I'm a happy guy (and before you ask, yes, despite the fact that I'm a graphic designer, I realize my page is lame...its a work in progress)
So if you need a logo, corporate identity, script, production design, or a falafel, you know who to call.

My Interests

Graphic Design, film, writing, the arts, hockey, baseball, stating the random, sitting on my front lawn pointing a hairdryer at cars to see if they slow down, wallowing in my own crapulence, over-sized foam novelty cowboy hats, Thursday night softball, trying to find new and creative uses for pudding, thermonuclear fusion, the ever versatile tortilla, stretching a single into a double, The LA Kings, The Dodgers, expressing myself whenever possible


Favorites include (but not limited to)...
Faith No More, The Beatles, Tori Amos, Metallica, Big Wreck, Thornley, Sigur Ros, Guns N' Roses, Massive Attack, This Mortal Coil, The Killers, Primus, Zero 7, Journey, pretty much anything by Mike Patton, Rob Zombie, PJ Harvey, Korn when the mood strikes me, Danny Elfman, Breaking Benjamin, The Ramones, ABBA & The Bee Gees (yeah, I'm comfortable enough to admit that), Bjork, Nirvana, the comedy stylings of Busta Rhymes, Pantera or Prong when I'm angry, Rammstien, rock songs with bagpipes, the occasional Notorious BIG, anything that keeps me company when I'm up late. Quite frankly, if it doesn't have a keytar in it I don't want to hear it


Again, too many to mention but if I was forced to pick one all time favorite movie, I'd have to go with The Empire Strikes Back. Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Spielberg films are a standard. Most Tim Burton & Fincher films, early Zemeckis, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Sam Raimi + Bruce Campell = good film, The Secret of NIHM, comic book adaptations that are done well (Batman 1968 & 1989 versions, Spider-Man, the original Superman) Love Actually for sentimental reasons, Shawshank Redemption, The Jerk, Bill Murray in his prime (which is pretty much his entire career), any movie with Tim Curry as the villian, Tom Hanks as the comic lead, and Dustin Hoffman as the autistic.


Family Guy, Lost, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Arrested Development, South Park, The Daily Show, Simpsons in its hay-day, SNL ('92-96, '98- until Ferrel left). RIP: Mr. Show, Mystery Science Theater 3000, Chapelle's Show, Kids in the Hall


"Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankle, "Letters from a Nut Vol. 1&2" by Ted Nancy, "I am Legend" by Richard Matheson ( I know, quite a potpourri of literature).


Anyone that inspires me. This person can be famous, unknown, a relative, a friend. I'm pretty lucky to have the friends I do.Adam West, Bruce Campbell, Mitch Hedberg and Mike Patton are gods among men...

My Blog

An open letter to Ducks fans (maintaining levity)

Dear Ducks fans,   Congratulation on your Stanley Cup victory. I respect your team (to a point....its hard to respect any team founded on an Emilio Estevez movie. Unless of course that movie is ...
Posted by Josh on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 02:32:00 PST

Late night ramblin's

Can't sleep. These are the things that are currently on the vaccum that is my mind at 1am... Went jogging the other day in a sleeveless shirt without applying sun block. Now I look...
Posted by Josh on Sat, 12 May 2007 01:01:00 PST

2006: A Look Back

2006 did NOT rule because... I didn't make the playoffs because I had Saddam Hussien in my fantasy dictator league Lost my life savings after investing in the Apple itoaster People Magazine 2006 Se...
Posted by Josh on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 11:35:00 PST

Vegas Trip

So everyone has been asking how my Vegas trip was. And while my body is still getting used to drinking beverages that don't end in "tini", here's a recap... Monte Carlo casino, 2:57 am. After an unsu...
Posted by Josh on Tue, 01 Aug 2006 05:30:00 PST

Design portfolio

A sample of the side projects that have held my sanity over the last few years. Enjoy! Pony Tale Films, production company - 2004 Wood Almighty, sports logo - 2004   Uni Watch, - 20...
Posted by Josh on Fri, 03 Feb 2006 01:52:00 PST

How to speak Josh

As a public service to my friends, I offer this handy English to Josh translation guide to better understand what the hell it is I'm actually saying... JOSH: "I can't decide what to have for lun...
Posted by Josh on Mon, 30 Jan 2006 10:43:00 PST

Worse than getting hit in the face with chilli...

...getting hit in the face with a sign advertising chilli. It was windy today. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. To answer your questions, yes, I'm ok, and yes, the chilli came in ...
Posted by Josh on Mon, 23 Jan 2006 11:12:00 PST

2006: A look forward

2006 will rule because... I still won't be 30 Bushs' last term in office: half way point 20th anniversary DVD edition of Howard the Duck Your 2006 Stanley Cup champions: Los Angeles Kings Three w...
Posted by Josh on Mon, 02 Jan 2006 12:49:00 PST

You've got pleurisy!

Sounds worse than it actually is. Because I had nothing better to do today, I though I would visit the local institution for the infirm when I was struck by chest pains in the middle of my erra...
Posted by Josh on Wed, 09 Nov 2005 07:17:00 PST

The most brilliant music I've ever heard in my life

The group is Sigur Ros, the album is "Takk" I consider myself a music fan in general, meaning I don't have a particular favorite "type" of music. Put my Ipod on shuffle and you could go from the ear s...
Posted by Josh on Sat, 22 Oct 2005 03:16:00 PST