music, movies, girls, tennis, running, shaving heads, getting tattoos, paintball, ice cream, people watching, hangin' with friends, family, laughing my ass off and living life to the fullest muthafucka!!!
rock, funk, jazz, metal, country, r&b (the real stuff 50-70's motown/stax etc), classical
evil dead 2, empire strikes back, office space, big lebowski, bubba ho-tep, predator, shawshank redemption, jaws, rear window, dead alive, standing in the shadows of motown, supersize me, ghostbusters, dazed and confused, secretary. can't think of anything else right now, i have a headache.
deadwood, boxing, tennis, movies i've already seen 20 times.
maurice sendak, john irving, alexander the terrible horrible no good very bad day, way of the peaceful warrior, no ordinary moments, pablo neruda, tolkien, the chosen
my parents, james jamerson, pat cash, carravaggio, anyone who has the balls to stand up for what they believe in.