Music (duh), animals, kids, food, news, movies, books. In that order. :)
I listen to everything, the blues, rock, R&B, lots of jazz, classic rock, some pop, classical. . . my cd collection is quite crazy at the moment
I prefer scary ones really. I'm big on watching DVD with the commentary. I'm a big fan of Mel Brooks, Blazing Saddles is one of my favorites. Movies that I watch over and over again are generally live music DVDs. It's like going to a concert, in the comfort of my own living room/bed.
I watch the news, Friday Night Lights, Biggest Loser, Project Runway, Family Guy, The Nanny (cause I'm cool like that).. I'm a big fan of all things late nite TV, Conan, Letterman, I like to keep it real. :)
I'm on a kick right now reading about musicians.
Eleanor Roosevelt, she would have been one kick ass grandma, not that mine aren't! :)