SARAH SHAKEDOWNâ„¢ profile picture


Starting this profile back up again.

About Me

Don't ask me about fonts, html etc. It was nice at first but meh.
Don't ask me to join your group, i'll join on my own accord.
Don't ask me about my amazing comment box; It's for me, not you.
Don't add me & then don't talk to me, there is no point in that.
Don't bother asking me to listen to your band, i'm not going to.
I'm originally from the UK, Wales NOT England as so many seem to think & with that I do NOT have a "cool" accent. Sorry.
I have a few bad habbits; but so does everyone. I drive too fast, I let people walk all over me, I have a somewhat split-personality, I have a short temper, i'm vain & cant walk past anything shiny without looking in it, I spend too much money on things that I will never need, I dedicate myself to something & as soon as it gets difficult I quit.
I hate it when people take MySpace too seriously, it's just for fun, geez. I post annoying bulletins, & i sometimes dont reply to comments/messages. If you have such a problem with it, block me.
I was a Psychology student back in the UK, my focus point being eating disorders. I was shit at it, but continued to try my best & work hard to get my level. I fucking hate stereotypes. Don't ever give me that bullshit. I like what i like, I wear what i want, don't judge me for it. kthnxbi
I always want what i can't have.
My MySpace is ALWAYS on - usually. But it doesnt mean i'm actually using it. So leave me messages, comments, picture comment & i will reply, but not always straight away.
I hate people who lie & people who judge people before they know them. If you have either of these trates, dont add me. Kay?
I really dont care if you think Nicole Richie is a skanky troll, she may be, you can have your own opinion, but I love her for it. She has millions of dollars & does nothing but shop, attend premiers & go out - who wouldnt want that?!
I love fashion & everything about it. I may not be the hipest kid on the block, i'm just an admirer. I'd love to be able to make my own clothes & have the creativity to do so, but I lack materials, inspiration & creative talent, & i'm not one to waste 100$ on a sewing machine that I will only break or give up on within weeks & for it to gather dust in the corner.
If I know you personally or youre from the Queensland or South Wales (UK) areas add my personal account .

My Interests

I love bumper stickers

Some of the best shops around;

I post quite a lot of pointless, annoying bulletins - but i do try to minimize the amount as much as possible .

I'd like to meet:




I want to meet someone worth meeting.


I like lots of music.
All different kinds.
It just depends on what i'm feeling like that day.

Kelly Osbourne

Molly Ringwald movies

Nicole Richie

Peter Kay the living legend

Mr Bacardi

Dr. Acula

Japanese Street Fashion

The best show on TV right now

Duran Duran

BedHead Products

Stephen Lynch


Hello Kitty,
whats shakin'?


Make me a sign?

"There was these two cupcakes right, & they were chillin' in the oven, & one cupcake says to the other..."

My Blog

because everyone else is doing it...

1. Who are you?2. Are we friends?3. When and how did we meet?4. How have I affected you?5. What do you think of me?6. What's the fondest memory you have of me?7. How long do you think we will be frien...
Posted by SARAH SHAKEDOWN" [PV] on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 03:13:00 PST