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My name is Crystal.
I am 23.
My friends are my life.
If it wasn’t for music I would be dead.
I love art. I am jealous of any with the talent to create it. I love my great grandmother,Derek Hess and Frances Mark art work, to name three of the many.
I have social anxiety, and you have no idea how real it is.
Francis Mark is my hero.
I've been promoting bands since I was 15 years old, currently I reside with Victory because who doesnt love Bayside, The Sleeping, and Action Action.
I love reading and writing poetry.
I feel bad for this generation of kids that don’t know true talent like Billy Corgan and Kurt Cobain.
The best bands come out of NY
I love watching movies, especially with friends.
I love Autumn, I love fall trees. That's one thing about PA, autumn here is so beautiful.
I love night time stars in the sky.
I love not eating something that once breathed.
X I respectXmyselfX.
Dave jumps when you tickle him, try it.
Kisses are priceless.
I love hearing rain fall.
The word random is the best word ever.
Jess and I laugh at the same time, most of the time over nothing at all.
I am a geek, and im okay with that.
I love the energy and passion that comes from shows.
I am a college-drop out.
I love black and pink.
"Gay" or "Fag" being used in any context referring to a human being is something I cant stand.
Tylor saves my life constantly and he has more knowledge then anyone should at his age. Not to mention he writes killer poetry.
I love hoodies.
Sometimes I care too much.
Global warming effects are real.
Hot showers are my time.
I dislike intolerance, judgemental, and closed minded people.
I miss the "Click, Click Boom" from high school.
Staying up all night is habit I can’t break
I cant stand lieing
I believe are own selfish wants, greed, and needs for a simpler life; in combination with our government will lead to this world’s demise.
Dont be afraid to talk to me! I love everyone, and especially making new friends
AIM Name-crystalxartsaves