About Me
Profile GeneratorOk it's about time I updated this thing. My name is Richard Carr aka Rick, Ricky, Burris, Dicky and my favorite "Hey dickhead wake up and get off my grass"Now that we have gotten the introductions out of the way.... I was born in J~Town, IL the only place in the country that has more prisioners than college grads. Don't be jelous I don't live there any more. I have moved around a bit but now I live in Schaumburg IL and have been here for about two years. So that cover location... lets talk about life. I have a girlfriend (sorry ladies and strange old guys BTW stop sending me messages) I think her name is Emma and we have been together since Febuary 24th 2006 ( I woke up with a tatoo of the date on my ass). She is great to put up with a guy like me it's amazing what nice purses will do to a girl.
Next Friends: Matt,Bill,Justin,Tony (Brother), Rob and Alex are the main guys they are the shit but im sure they all owe me money... fuckers dont think that I forgot. J/J no for real one thing that this crazy year has tought me is that I have some kick ass friends and I hope everyone has a crew like I do. Let me take a moment to show some love to some of the coolest girls in my life besides Emma of course; Kristin, Mandy, Nina, Kariann, Abby, Missy, Erin, Jamie, Lisa, Jonelle, Requel, Dana, Loren, Steph, Ashley, Angie, Mer ( we all miss you ) and Hilary Clinton I love ya all.Career; My dream to become the next Ricky Bobby, that guy from 24, Ari, fighter pilot, lottery winner, lawyer, doctor, and Jenna Jamersons fluffer didn't pan out so now I'm a financial advisor trying to work my way to the top.I think thats about it if you have any more questions about me just ask someone else.I will leave you with a quote:
"I didn't go to the Lakers game because they were playing the fucking Bobcats... And I came here today because I thought this was a session on how my wife could learn to communicate, how to answer a question without a question, basic Humanity 101, which I thought, given your wall of fucking diplomas, you could easily fix, or if you couldn't, you could give her a pill that would either fix it or make her a mute. But now, to turn around and gang up on me? I have work to do. I have hundreds of clients to deal with, and just so we're clear, I don't care about ANY OF THEM. They're ALL just a number, like Wife #1 and Therapist #7... GOOD DAY!" Ari Gold