Rubber Ducky Fetish profile picture

Rubber Ducky Fetish

At least I don't smell like cat pee

About Me

Everyone, whether he/she is a bum or a billionaire is, in a sense, a philosopher. Being human... having developed brains regardless of the mental level he/she must think... and thinking is the pathway to philosophy............ Catch me on aol: XLilschmuck1311x or on Yahoo: starving_artist1311
Horror Pictures at
Funny Pictures
Funny Pictures....Click here to get your own Unique Contact Box - Over 1300 to choose from
Your Fortune Is
He who fishes in another man's well often catches crab. The Wacky Fortune Cookie Generator
You are
What Rejected Crayon Are You?I LIKE YELLOW, RUBBER, AND DUCKS... THAT'S ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW... Ok... maybe I'll let you in on a little more. Follow my white ass down the rabbit hole and we shall begin. I'm currently in school attempting to accumulate as much debt as possible so that I can legitimatly claim the title of starving artist. I must say that I am succeeding quite well (donations are more than welcome). I believe that I have come to terms with the posibility that I will more than likely be relying on a refridgerator box (hopefully not one of those small ones that hotels expect you to magically cram your whole case of beer in) as my main source of shelter as I pull down my top (ever so slightly), thrust out my cleavage, and beg someone to buy my lemonade...although I have no idea where I'll be getting lemonade from.
Your death will be murder....Most likely because
your a very social person and everyone knows
you, but there is one person lurking in the
shadows that is so jealous of you or is so
obsessed they end up killing you...There are
many ways of being depends on the
person, but your death will either be slow and
painful (like being stabed to death) or quiek
and painless (like a gunshot to the head).
How Will You Die And Why? .:Beautiful Dark Pics:.
brought to you by Quizilla.... Gemini
You are a master flirt. You know just how to pick up hotties, but it is usually just a one night stand because you are out to have fun. You like sex to be fun. You are not afraid to spice it up with some sex toys, blindfolds and food. Your ideal partner would be open minded, and into having fun too. Sex matches: Libra, Aquarius
Take this quiz at
You Are The High Priestess
You represent mystery - secrets that are yet to be revealed.
You find yourself sitting between two worlds: one dark, one light.
You tend to hold these two worlds in balance, reconciling the two.
Open and welcoming, you invite others to learn your secrets.
Your fortune:
Something hidden, or latent, in your life is about to come forward.
You need to pay more attention to your dreams, thoughts, intuition, and imagination.
And if that involves tapping into your dark side, it will all balance out in the end.
You have a lot of potential dying to be unleashed, so let those gates open! What Tarot Card Are You?

Jenn Pills:
Will cause you to fight for your right to party
'What effect do you have on people?' at .r{;} table table table td.text div { background-image:url ..This profile was edited with MySpace Help - Profile Creator and Editor MySpace Profile Help!
You Are a Dreaming Soul
Your vivid emotions and imagination takes you away from this world
So much so that you tend to live in your head most of the time
You have great dreams and ambitions that could be the envy of all...
But for you, following through with your dreams is a bit difficult
You are charming, endearing, and people tend to love you.
Forgiving and tolerant, you see the world through rose colored glasses.
Underneath it all, you have a ton of passion that you hide from others.
Always hopeful, you tend to expect positive outcomes in your life.
Souls you are most compatible with: Newborn Soul, Prophet Soul, and Traveler Soul What Kind of Soul Are You?

My Interests

.. Start: The Skull Kid - --
The Skull Kid - Mindless office rampage .. End: The Skull Kid - -- Jenn --

A hermit living in the big city

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at
MySpace Comments Graphics

Stuff for your blog!

You are sad because of your grief

Why are you sad? [amazing pictures] For darker people
brought to you by Quizilla

I'd like to meet:

“The fish trap exists because of the fish; once you’ve gotten the fish, you can forget the trap. The rabbit snare exists because of the rabbit; once you’ve gotten the rabbit, you can forget the snare. Words exist because of meaning; once you’ve gotten the meaning, you can forget the words. Where can I find a person who has forgotten the words so I can have a word with them?”*CHUANG CHOU
Horror Pictures at
What totally awesome quote are you, man?
brought to you by QuizillaAIM~ XLiLschmuck1311x

'Why are you going to hell?' at


Ahh music. Well I listen mostly to rock but it would take way to long to list all the bands. Let's just say pretty much anything from Pink Floyd, Guns N Roses, or the Beatles to Tool/A Perfect Circle, Sublime, or System of a Down. I've been attempting to learn how to play the guitar but I think I'm going to have to come to terms with the fact that I suck. That's alright, I think I'd prefer to be in the crowd watching with admiration than up on stage when it comes to musical intruments. It would probably be much safer that way too...for me and the bystanders.


I love comedies and horror flicks..although I have yet to be scared by a horror flick since the whole nightmare on elm street thing (which I'm still afraid of). I really don't like those run of the mill, sentimental, grab your hanky and blow movies. I'm not really the chick flick type.


You Are Surrealism
Dreamy and idealistic, you've created a world that is all your own.
It's very likely that you've either dabbled in drugs or are naturally trippy.
You are always trying to push beyond the boundaries of your culture and society.
You believe that art, love, and freedom can change the world. What Art Movement Are You?


You Are A Chestnut Tree
You are a born diplomat with a well developed sense of justice.
And even though you're impressive and intimidating, you're also fun to be around.
You can be irritated easily, and you sometimes act superior.
Nevertheless, you are sensitive of others feelings and very loyal.
Sometimes you feel misunderstood and are fiercely close to those who know you best. What's Your Celtic Horoscope?

Stuff for your blog!


I have this stuffed monkey that's missing its nose and ears and part of its arm...yeah he's my hero.... oh and mitch hedburg

My Blog

On my own

A lonely heart beats in the darkness, its ventricles wrapped in pain.  Veins that once pulsed with life, with love... have taken on that lonely beat.  An arm outstretched... a hand reaching ...
Posted by Rubber Ducky Fetish on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 07:49:00 PST


Posted by Rubber Ducky Fetish on Mon, 05 May 2008 09:24:00 PST

fuck santa & the sleigh he flew in on!!

I'm on a rampage!  A bitter and loathsome fucking rampage!!  This rant may be quite brief or it could wind up as a short story so those of you reading this have 2 options....A. Go away now.....
Posted by Rubber Ducky Fetish on Sat, 24 Dec 2005 10:39:00 PST

semi drunken contemplation

A parent should not out live their children...that's not the way it's supposed to be.  But loss is inevitable..that's life.  That's what comes from opening your heart.  You win some you...
Posted by Rubber Ducky Fetish on Sun, 04 Dec 2005 07:27:00 PST