San Antonio's drinking club 'El Borracho'
"Sorry bro, we're just drunk."This is a band of brothers who share in their quest to fulfill an insatiable thirst. A thirst for camaraderie, adventure, and 'the drink'. These men amongst men feel it their calling to bring back a little of what has been forgotten in the drinking establishments of today. They are the happy hour socialites, the boisterous tyrants of the shot glass, the martini marauders. They share a bonding in booze, an alliance in alcohol. They are a coalition of the cocktail. They craved a fellowship of others such as themselves. Not the beer bonging frat boys or the uber sheik scenester. Nor was it the depressed suit at the end of the bar just buying time before he offs himself. They yearned for a fraternal order of the cocktail, a modern day 'Rat Pack' of sorts. Out of the sheer desire of booze, brotherhood, a good ol' laugh these men have joined as one.
They are... "El Borracho"!