Video Games, Star Trek, Dungeons & Dragons, Computers, History, politics, religion, really a plethora of diverse interests. Ok, I admit, that was just an excuse to use the word 'plethora'. Why single that word out from the myriad of others to choose from? Who knows. Ok, I admit it, that last sentence was really just an excuse to use the word 'myriad'. But relax, I'll spare you my continuing this on and on. Curse you!
Well, TMBG are alright, but not a favorite. Looking over the playlist I'm going to go with Lene Marlin, 3 Doors Down, Lifehouse, and that sort of thing.
Napoleon Dynamite, The Princess Bride, SpiderMan, Ginger Snaps, Donnie Darko, VanWilder. Old School is off the list, Kill The Man is in. Havn't seen it yet? You'de better...
The Shield, HBO Series: Rome, Family Guy, Star Trek Deep Space 9, Star Trek Enterprise, Babylon 5, JAG, The Tudors...Scrubs...but in actuality I don't watch too much TV. Well, now that I've come back from Germany I'm getting addicted again, but that's only because I havn't had my own computer and internet to play with!
Les Miserables, The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, The Politics of the Prussian Army, Confessions of an Ugly Step-Sister, The Count of Monte Cristo, and the plays of Moliere. The Time Traveller's Wife was really good too, and My Sister's Keeper was great until the ending came along. Way too deus ex machina.
Herbert Kitchener, Hans von Seeckt, George Washington, Werner von Fritsche.