Fault on the Right Side profile picture

Fault on the Right Side

Gone but NOT finished! New Demo's coming soon!!

About Me

Hey everyone, we've all thought about it alot and have decided that unfortunately we feel the band has run its course. We're all still really good mates though and have also decided to finish off the demos we started back at the end of last year. We would like to thank everyone who has ever come to a gig, bought a CD or showed any support. Special thanks goes out to Tom and Lindy for letting us turn their house into Band Headquarters, lending us money and all the roast dinners, all past and present members, everyone thats helped us get gigs and given us artwork and finally "The Girls" for coming to every gig we played. Sorry we can't put out a more detailed list of names, but you know who you are. Thanks again keep a look out for the new tunes, and we'll keep you up to date if any of us get any other projects on the go. Cheers the F.O.T.R.S Boyos. XXX
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I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests


Member Since: 9/30/2005
Band Website: faultontherightside.co.uk
Band Members: Sam Gibbons - Vocals Matt Snelling - Vocals Joe Fletcher - Guitar+Bass Pete Marshall .AKA. (THE JAWLINE) - Guitar Joe Mears - Drums
Influences: Anything from Danny Elfman to A Dozen Furys.
Sounds Like: "An experimental approach made to work by a drive heavy beat and a tendency to soar. Ones for the future..."- Barry Newman Wild Club Records
Type of Label: None

My Blog

New Beginnings

Hey everyone, we've all thought about it alot and have decided that unfortunately we feel the band has run its course. We're all still really good mates though and have also decided to finish off the ...
Posted by Fault on the Right Side on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 08:03:00 PST

bit of an update

thought  i might give a bit of an update! ok so i recorded some drums on saturday,we're doing three tracks which will be part of a little demo that we wanted for ourselves and to put up on the my...
Posted by Fault on the Right Side on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 03:16:00 PST

BD has hung up his plectrum

I'm afraid we have some sad news.  After three years of being in Fault on the Right Side our guitarist Chris (Bud) BD has decided its time to call it a day. Everything is completely cool between...
Posted by Fault on the Right Side on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 06:06:00 PST