I've been playing live music in the Denver area since 1994. I play in a noise/experimental group called Page 27 with John Gross. I also make a lot of solo music under my name Rasmussen. I've played many venues around Denver such as the Gothic Theater, the hi-dive, 15th St. Tavern, Lions Lair, Benders, Larimer Lounge, The Walnut Room, Cellophane, Monkey Mania, and many others. http://page27.com for more info on my music and SEVEN hours of live shows and other audio." border=0
My World Visitor Map!
Anyone interested in having a fun time, checking out local bands, etc. Electronic or experimental musicians in the denver area.
Track Preview for a show I'm playing Feb 22nd 08.
Throbbing Gristle, Cock E.S.P., MSBR, Merzbow, Aphex Twin, Ellen Allien, Cylob, Cabaret Voltaire, Coil, Kraftwerk, Zbigniew Karkowski, Negativland, NON, Psychic TV, Einsturzende Neubauten, Joy Division, TAINT, Clock DVA, KMFDM, Brian ENO, AUBE, Bio Bitch, Skinny Puppy, Juan Atkins, CEX, Kid 606, Venetian Snares, Mr Pacman, Sal3Fold, Cockfight, Friends Forever, Little Fyodore, all of NGWTT, all of Backwards Records, Firecracker, Carrion Crawler, lots of other local Colorado groups.
David Lynch, Terry Gilliam, Cronenberg, John Carpenter
I survived, maximum exposure, dr. who, torchwood
Orwell, PK Dick, Huxley, William Gibson, Bruce Sterling, Neal Stephenson, JG Ballard
Nate Hayden (FF), Josh Taylor (FF), Jason I (FF), Mark Pauline (SRL), Gerhard Behles (creator of ableton)