NaTuRaLlY SwEeT..No SuGaR AdDeD!...LaDiE SiNcErE. profile picture

NaTuRaLlY SwEeT..No SuGaR AdDeD!...LaDiE SiNcErE.


About Me

ThE NaMe Is JAZMIN.... But For You It's LaDiE SiNcErE!
I DoNt PuT Up WaLlS To KeEp PeOpLe OuT... I PuT ThOsE WaLlS Up To SeE WhO CaReS EnOuGh To KnOcK ThEm DoWn!
I StIlL ReP ThAt SsP!!
~!~!~ I'm JuSt SoOoOoOo-PhiStiCaTeD!!!~!~!~
Is Just a BIG word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given, than to explore the power they have to change it. IMPOSSIBLE is not a fact it's an OPINION. IMPOSSIBLE Is NOT a's a dare. IMPOSSIBLE Is potential and is just temporary..... IMPOSSIBLE is NOTHING!
Ya I KnOw YoU DiGgIn My SwAgGa!!....So HoP On My Sh*T NoW So WhEn I MaKe It BiG YoU WoNt LoOk LiKe AnOthEr GrOuPiE!
I OnLy SeTtLe FoR ThE BeSt...AnD YeS I CoNsIdEr MySeLf BeTtEr ThAn ThE ReSt...I ShOoT FoR ThE StArS AbOvE Me...BeCaUsE I KnOw NoThIn BeNeAtH Me CaN ReAcH Me!!!
HeY "MyspacerS" ThiS Is Ya GirL JazmiN BuT SomE PeoplE KnoW Me By SincerE!! To StarT OfF Im NoT On HerE FoR AnY ComputeR LovE Or AnythinG....AnD I WilL NoT ReplY If YoU SenD Me A MessagE TrynnA SpiT GamE...ComE On NoW PeoplE It's ThE InterneT...So YoU DefinetelY WonT GeT A Reply!!!BuT HerE GoeS A LiL BiT AbouT Me....
~ Im A ReallY CooL PersoN To GeT AlonG WitH (JusT DonT PisS Me OfF) ~I LovE To TalK On ThE PhonE ~ AlwayS HangiN WitH My FriendS...A.K.A "ThE FlYYeSt" ~DonT LikE FakE PeoplE ~DonT LikE DramA ~Love LovE LovE To SHOP!!!! AnD Ya ThatS AbouT It..... LoL
I AlWaYs SaY NeVeR ReGrEt...BeCaUsE At ThE ExAcT MoMeNt It WaS EvErYtHiNg YoU EvEr WaNtEd!!!
I'm NoT ThE TyPe Of GiRl To Make My "MySpAcE" PaGe AbOuT SoMeOnE ElSe To PrOvE A PoInT....I'm ThE GiRl ThAt SaYs It'S AlL AbOuT ME!!!

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My Blog


I'm going to start off by saying that this is probably one of the best blogs I have ever wrote (in my opinion). So I hope you enjoy and to that one person who I'm referring to should know who they are...
Posted by NaTuRaLlY SwEeT..No SuGaR AdDeD!...LaDiE SiNcErE. on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 11:08:00 PST

Karma is a motha***** lol

  So writin....Just to get things off my mind! To start off im gonna say KARMA is a BITCH!!! and thats as real as it can get! i've experienced it and i believe in it 100%! no doubt in...
Posted by NaTuRaLlY SwEeT..No SuGaR AdDeD!...LaDiE SiNcErE. on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 03:42:00 PST

To ThE GiRlS....WhO EvEr FeLl BaCk In LoVe.

Here's to all those girls who used to be his number one. The ones who waited all night for him to call, only to check the caller ID the next morning and be disappointed. The ones who made it through t...
Posted by NaTuRaLlY SwEeT..No SuGaR AdDeD!...LaDiE SiNcErE. on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 09:24:00 PST