I'd like to meet:
Back in Montgomery... the good and the bad - June 13, 2007
Wow... I'm getting old! - May 26, 2007
It's official... back to Alabama - May 25, 2007
Got a new offer... back to Montgomery? - May 18, 2007
My Birthday (in retrospect) - May 1, 2007
I don't have the "I have 10x as many friends as you so I'm superior" syndrome... so why do you? - Apr 26, 2007Being Bi on MySpace... The Safe Way of Being Gay? - Apr 26, 2007
Up Out the Hood Now... Did I Go Too Far? - Apr 23, 2007The Great Nickname Search! - Apr 19, 2007
Troy... The Ladies' Back-Up Plan? - Apr 10, 2007
No Love for Troy? - Apr 5, 2007
What I think about radio... - Mar 29, 2007Time to move out the hood? - Mar 26, 2007
MY TOP 24... If you're one, read this... if not, read it anyway! - Feb 4, 2007 UPDATED MAR 8, 2007
The New Page - Feb 18, 2007
Troy's Custom Comments - Feb 18, 2007
Just Troy
Quick Bio:
Name: Troy
Age: 26
Height: 5'10 (yeah I'm short... don't like it, that's fine but I suggest not being so superficial)
Weight: 150 lbs (I'm pretty slim too, but I do have some muscles...)
Ethnicity: Quite black
Sign: Taurus
Location: Miserable in Covington, GA
Orientation: Very Straight
Occupation: Computer Software Engineer
Income: Y'all don't need to know, but it's quite a bit being in the IT field
Kid Count: 0 (I intend to keep it that way 'til I want them)
Fun Things: shooting pool, watching movies, shopping, visiting different places, reading, graphic design (hence the page and the comments), programming (that's how I make my living)
Looking For: Whatever comes my way (or just see further down)
Me in General:
I'm a 26 year old black male (2 strikes against me, but I did live to see 26). For some reason I'm trapped in the body of a 16 year old, which is why I'm so short(5'10-ish), small (150 lbs) and lack facial hair (except on my chin, look closely lol). I'm not a drug dealer, athelete, rapper or hustler (just getting that out of the way before you waste your time). I don't like to hurt others for my own benefit, and I enjoy my freedom too much to risk getting locked up so I couldn't sell drugs. I wasn't blessed with much athletic ability so I don't play sports like that. I just cannot rap so that's out. I prefer to make money the easiest way I can, and although I do have a way of making people believe what I tell them I do feel guilty if things don't work out as planned so I don't hustle like some people do. The computer thing is my hustle, it's easy to make six figures or more in a year or less without leaving my chair (or sometimes, my house), I can put my intelligence to good use, and I have job security as long as computers are around (they won't be going anywhere anytime soon). Generally I get along with most everyone I meet. People like the fact that I'm laid back most of the time, yet at the same time won't let anyone get over on me, and that I manage to keep them out of trouble most of the time. I can't be there to help them all the time and if they get into a jam after I told rhem better I'll let them suffer for a bit before bailing them out (that way they learn from their mistakes like I did). My friends are very important to me, and I can't stand to see them in a bad situation if I can do something about it. That's not to say if they put themselves in that spot regardless of what I or anybody else tells them that I would help, but if it's something that just can't be helped I'm usually there for them. I come from a good family that takes care of each other. I wouldn't be as happy-go-lucky as I am without them. My parents have been together forever, and I have two younger brothers to look after (they're 23 and 17 at the moment). I became an uncle back in 2006 and it's a wonderful feeling. One day I'll have kids of my own, but at the moment I have some living and growing left to do so I'll do without for now.
My Background:
I was born in South Carolina, which was where my dad was stationed when he was in the Army. I've been to a few places around the world, and came to Georgia in 1991. Stayed in Atlanta at first, then in '92 we moved out to Decatur (the suburbs at the time). When I got grown and bored with the usual work and school thing I decided to join the Air Force in 2000. I figured I needed a change of scenery...
That was pretty much what I got. Went to San Antonio for basic training, Biloxi, MS for technical training, and right back to San Antonio for my first assignment (yeah I was mad about that) I was chillin', doing the programming thing, when the towers came down; not long after I was in Afghanistan (Dec 2001). I had some fun running around in the mountains looking for Bin Laden. About three months after I got home from there I was reassigned to Montgomery, Alabama. Got bored pretty quick down there, but not long after that it was time to go to Iraq (Mar 2003). I had no idea why I was there, but I did my year and got up out of there. Eight months after I came home I was over there again. At that point I was pretty pissed. That's where I was 'til November of 2006. My time was up, and I didn't feel like putting up with that again. I got out and started getting ready to go back to school, which is the case right now.
That's my background... Currently I'm single, no kids and right now I'm just living day to day, trying to make my way in the world as a civilian.
This is just a little too long so if you want to know anything either visit my BLOG or hit me up... I know when people don't read my page, so I don't give much of a response to anybody asking me about things I already wrote (and in so much detail, I mean that's more less my life story up there). If you're lucky, I'll just tell you to read my page and get back to me when you get caught up. I give you content to read, unlike most MySpace pages, so enjoy!
Who I Want To Meet
Well in general I'm pretty civil with just about anybody, so hit me up to chat sometime. Just have something relevant to talk about (and don't ask me about a bunch of things already on my page) and we're good. I can judge who I'm talking to by how much they know about me before we talk, so study hard. I can (and most often DO) get bored really quick, so if you try to talk to me about nothing it will be in vain as I will not respond.
With that being said, any ladies that would like to get to try and take me off the market are welcome to do so. Here are my requirements:
Have a sound mind (very important to me). I don't need any crazy females trying to ruin my life because I broke up with them because I caught them messing around or something.
Have your life in order, i.e. no baby daddy drama (you can have a baby daddy, but I don't want any part of your arguments, fist fights or whatever y'all do), crazy ex's (the stalkers and the ones that can't keep it moving) or strong feelings for an ex (I hate that, if you still want him try to him back back and leave me alone PLEASE!). Don't ask me for advice with your man; if he is messing around on you or otherwise not treating you right my advice will be akin to "break up with him and get with me" if I like you that much.I don't discriminate too much as far as physical features, but do prefer women that are less than 1.5 times my weight. I'm a lightweight at 150 pounds, so you can figure that one out in your head. I CAN make exceptions though... but you have to keep yourself looking good in public. I can't go out the door looking a mess, and I don't want my mate to do it either.
I do have some preferences that can make or break a deal, but I'll address them on a case-by-case basis:
With that being said, I can tolerate one kid for somebody my age or younger, 2 or more from somebody quite a bit older than me (pushing 30+)... any more is a turn-off. Anybody a few years younger than me with more than one is almost out of the question. Anybody not out of their teenage years with more than one isn't even considered and can kick rocks as far as I'm concerned. Also, please know who their father is! Even if they don't want to be in their child's life still know who it is; I don't want somebody that needs to be on the Maury show 9 or 10 times to find out.
Some may not like what I've said, but that's me... I can control my loins, and having a bunch of kids without having been married speaks volumes about your character. Sleeping with just anybody without restraint isn't good at all. I don't intend on being somebody's ticket out of Bowen Homes just because I have some money. I definitely can't take you to my parents, they'll have a rather unsavory opinion about you... and they don't need that at this point.
Prostitutes/escorts/strippers "dating" customers... unless I really know and like you, I don't want any dealings with you. Former prostitutes need to have long disassociated themselves from that mess, be making an honest living, and have something to show for it. I don't want A Pimp Named Slick-Back coming to my door looking for you (y'all may know where I got that from lol). I'm not a trick, don't want to be one, and never will be one so keep it moving.
That's pretty much it. Not that bad really. If you fit the qualifications feel free to get at me anytime.
Oh yeah, as I'm not bisexual or homosexual, I don't want any men trying to get at me to hook up or anything of the sort. That includes shemales, trannies, T-girls, its or whatever. I'm not homophobic, I'll talk to you like anybody else that wants to chat (if you have something relevant to talk about of course). I don't play "sword fight", knob-slobbing or bootyhole bang, so do not approach me with that. My Current Location:
Montgomery, AL Comm Center
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