Well, I established with a complete stranger the other day that I pretty much like doing any and everything so long as it doesn't involved politics or dying. But I do reserve the right to not do something again, once I've experienced it once, if I so choose. Otherwise : sports, animals, odd individuals/unique thinkers, scientific/factual books, investing in improving other's lives, and staying healthy.One of my favorite quotes: I don't know the key to success; but the key to failure is trying to make everyone happy. -- Bill Cosby
That guy at the Thompson Lane Calypso Cafe who never moves from behind the cash register. I want to know if he has more than an upper torso . . . he's become puppet-ish in my mind. (No offense, Mike, if you ever read this. But fyi, you really should move; keeps the blood flowing, you know.)
I love traveling and meeting people who introduce me to new cultures, languages, and lifestyles. I feel like I have so much left to explore!!
Everything from classical/opera . . . bluegrass to rock . . . to DR DRE!! Best Band Overall: Aerosmith. Best country artist: Martina. Best classical CD: Time to Say Goodbye/Sarah Brightman. Best Blues/Jazz/Funk artist: Johnny Lang. Best rock: Muse. Best Cirque du Soliel show: La Nouba (Orlando). Best Operetta: Les Miserables (London).
Hate to break it to ya, but "How To Lose a Guy In Ten Days" and "Road Trip" are the two best movies of all time! I'm also a big fan of the X-Men series.
What's that? Seriously, I'm a BIG fan of the Hamburger Helper commercial that's on all the time.
The dictionary; call me psychotic. How To Heal the Hurt by Hating -- Anita Liberty (highly recommended for the sarcastic humor). Dead Man Walking. And lately I've become a sick fan of "The Goon," an award winning comic by Eric Powell. (He's super weird-fab, check out his myspace). I'm obsessed with Buzzard. I should change my status from single to betrothed.
Sarah Brightman . . . for being wierd enough to defy an entire industry and still make millions. Jane Goodall . . . for being crazy enough to live with monkeys. Dostyvesky (however it's spelled) . . . for convincing people to buy books that are beyond stupid. And Anita Liberty . . . for putting together the most thrilling set of poems to ever jam a printing set!