about me eh...
24 years old, songwriter, artist, old soul, "starving" Musician, lover, confused, Music fan, reggae fan, piano player extrodnaire, tori amos fan, writer, cat fan, internet junkie, and lots of other things...
Currently working with Off Broadway Music Instruction teaching vocal lessons. Guitar and bass lessons also available with more coming soon.
I play in a band called Dub Kitchen ~which we play mostly dub reggae.
Cutlet Supreme Mega - Fattback. Hell Yes! Check em out!
Also guest singing with the Murder City Players . Another St. Louis Local Reggae Band.
~I like to go camping alot too. Also Like going to the farm :) I have a cat named smokey and hes kinda like a dog. I like burritos and quesadillas. As well as rice and coffee. well, not together, but they are both good.im from st. louis, spend most of my time playing music, writing, cleanin house, sittin in front of the A.D.D box known as "the internet"
What AnAlOg synth are you?
You are a Alesis Andromeda A6!You do it all! Everyone loves you and you have the ability to mold yourself into any genre. People can recognize your unique voice from miles away and come running towards it. EVEN HOT CHICKS WANNA TOUCH YOU! Unfourtunately, you are so wonderful, that you are almost unabtainable. YOur value is very high and not many people can afford to take you home. Getting to know an Alesis and getting to take one home is like bieng able to have a romantic relationship with someone as divine as jesus.
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