Most things actually, but i have my favourates just like you
Me and people like you
cannot get enough of it!
Biggest Wednesday(DOCUMENTARY). lame, after lame and storbis Base moi, La grande bleu
ha etype=bucketstamp&featurename=littlemanDan&pa=/j296/ chutneyferret/
"Long way round" just finished this and it's the f ing business. read it! "Fierce creatures home from hot climates" "Johnathon Livingstone, the seagull
The usual supportive prying family members and one young french guy called Marco "something" , who died making the film "Etoile Filante" and all my good friends and fireman, oh and mountain rescuers and mid-wifes and brain surgeons and astronauts and Inuets!
THIS GUY IS MY BIGGEST HEROE -"Marco Siffredi", the only and youngest guy to accend and ride down Mt Everest, unfortunately he dissapeared on the descent and this was the last photo of him just below the summit! Check out his story in the film "ETOILE FILANTE"!!!!!!!