About Me
I have o.c.d..and it takes me an hour to make my bed the way i like it,
I talk when I really shouldn't,
Sometimes I snort when I laugh,
I LOVE Bon Jovi,
I Drink out of the milk jug,
I love sandals,
I have a collection of Anime,
I sing and dance in front of the mirror,
The music i listen to lies mostly in the Metal or Industrial genres,
I throw things when im mad,
I laugh at things that aren't that funny and I laugh at times when its not really appropriate,Someone rolling there eyes at me makes me furious,
I love Hockey GO DEVILS!,
I’d probably kick your ass at battleship,
I sleep diagonally across the bed,
I have trouble saying what I really mean,
I don’t own a single pair of white socks...they all have patterns of some sort,
I won a spelling B in grade 6,
I have a fat fish named Henry..we talk...i love him,
Im right handed,
I am a fan of body modification,
My xbox, and my piano are my soul,
Im Claustrophobic,
My favorite color is green,
Im super clumbsy,
I have all the star wars slurpee cups,
I dont like onions,
Sometimes I cry for no reason at all,
When im around large bodies of water..im tempted to jump in,
I love the smell of vanilla,
Im not a morning person,
i have scars.. inside and out,
I get freckles in the summer
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