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About Me

I'm Barry. I am a Sagittarius, English, Italian, German & Polish Delawarrior™ and I love playing multiplayer internet games of all sorts. I love movies of all sorts: comedy, horror, drama, etc. I have an affinity for Heavy Metal but you can catch me listening to practically anything: Snoop Dogg, Merle Haggard, Frank Sinatra, Waylon Jennings or even some Bach. However if you're going to go on and on and on about how you worship some moronic celebrity or musician, move along, please. In the days of Enoch & Noah, people worshipped the fallen angels. Look what happened to them... If you must worship something, try God for a change.• Don't chat with me about sports either, i care not for such things. Be it nascar, football, etc... there are finer things in life than sitting in front of the tube. I can however be negotiated into going to a sporting event once in a blue moon though. Wrestling may be negotiable to chat about, not that i'd consider that a sport. It's just plain funny to watch. Avoid conversations about automobiles as well, i am not your typical guy, i don't care how souped up your hot rod is. I don't care for anime either, i don't even like the term "anime", it looks too much like "enima"I don't pay much attention to anything animated after the Liquid Telivision era... except for Spongebob Squarepants. If you're going to base a whole conversation on any of these things, please do move along with your pathetic little life. I don't care to capitalize all the time and i love the letter Z. It's zexy. I am pretty openminded about most things though. If you're trying to impress me, utilize the English language. Use it correctly with the exception of capitals of course. Feel free to abuse that area. Also! Ladies! Make-up, body modifications, jewelry and clothes! These things are not necessities! Remember one of my golden rules: "Everything In Moderation!" and you'll do fine. If "everyone else does it", what does that matter? Be original, be differant, be yourself. Golden Rule .2: "Do Not Conform!" I can't be bothered with labels such as "goth", "punk", "whigger", "gangsta", "prep", etc, etc. Just be yourself. There's no better thing than waking up to a pure, natural, plain-faced woman. Just try not to be too bland. Same goes with weed, coke and/or alcohol, if you do it, fine. But don't overindulge yourself, refer to Golden Rule ..1. If you must look like a clown, please move along. Finally, for the lamest and weakest of the wretches on the internet, the easily offended. There is nothing more offensive than you people who are easily offended. You sicken me to the pit of my stomach and i will chew you up as soon as i see this weakness. You may catch sight of me chatting about: faggots, niggars, spics, gooks, flatfoots, kikes, habeebs, and especially redneck hicks. If any of these things offend you, you have issues with yourself & all of you have little X's located at the top-right corners of your windows, utilize them immediately. All peoples were originally created perfect, leave it to humans to fück that up. I have no problem with any one particular race, i hate all races with equality. If you belong to more than one race, you are a bastard: a word derived from the ancient word "Mâmsêr" which means: A child of an illegitimate race. Thus, belonging to no particular race at all. This is a word that mankind has tried to blot out millenium after millenium. It has nothing to do with having a father or not and it has nothing to do with being born outside of wedlock. You bastards are mighty nice people but i won't be mingling my blood-lines with any of you. And if you find people of the same gender attractive, whatever floats your boat... move along. If your profile is longer than mine, you suck. Please! Move along.

My Interests

if you have a brain, prove it: v=bece&bece=reg&af=3000&pr=14.30

I'd like to meet:

Sheena, just once more...


Weird Al Yankovich, Faith No More, Eminem, Kid Rock, Alice Cooper, Fatboy Slim, Evanescence, Primus, Jerry Reed, Kiss, Queen, Mozart, Run DMC, King Diamond & John Williams. Just about anything from the 80s & 90s is the stuff for me, kid.


Frank Herbert's Dune, The Boondock Saints(Troy Duffy), John Carpenter's The Thing, The Breakfast Club, The Ten Commandments, The Princess Bride(Rob Reiner), Office Space, J.F.K, Tombstone, Drop Dead Fred, Billy Madison, 2010, One Flew Over The Cukoo's Nest, Smokey and the Bandit, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Monty Python and The Holy Grail, The Outsiders, Flash Gordon, Stephen King's The Stand, Highlander, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Space Balls & Star Wars(all episodes).


"TV rots your brain kid"


The Outsiders, Forgotten Realms books, King James 16 11


Al Tribuani, Arnold Murray, Andre Roussinoff -The Gentle Giant, Alicia Roanne Witt, Vincent Furnier, Maurice Edwards.