This place below. Please click on the banner. The best Orson Fan Group on Myspace! Please put this banner in your profile! The site below is well worth a visit.Music and Chocolate! Often together cos I like to indulge.My pets. Shopping, shopping and shopping. Collecting souvenirs and hats. Surfing t'internet. FAFfing (please feel free to ask) Tattoos when I get the inspiration to have more done.
Pillooooo!- My bosom buddy. The FAFfing Loons! (Beware!) And my fellow Uno members. And these. They dont make cop shows like they used to!
Orson. The Damned. Elliot Minor. The Feeling. Im pretty much stuck in the 80s. The make up, the hair. And that was just the men!
Anything where I dont have to think to enjoy it. Not keen on action films though. My favourite quote from a film has to be from Casper. 'Can I keep you?'. Awwww bless.He is, and always will be, The Duckman!
Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes (They played Souvenir on episode 2!) Doctor Who. Big Brother. Ghost Whisperer. Ghost Hunters International. Harry Hill's TV Burp. University Challenge and Mastermind when Im feeling intellectual. Never Mind the Buzzcocks. Have I got News For You. Im not a TV addict, honest!
Im not a big fan of novels but I do like books you can keep going back to. Factual, that kind of thing
My Dad, God rest him, I miss him more than anything. The Scarecrow Damian and Ding Dong Daniel who are my world. Paul (my partner in crime), Poochie who is my faffing twin and an inspiration. My dear friends J and ~J~ who know who they are.