I'm really tired, but I'll try telling you something about the most annoying being that I know, ME. I like taking picetures as you might see in my albums or my sight ( wich is temporrarily off, but I'm looking for a sulucion.) I'm constantly listening to music and kind of an computer addict.I'm annoing, have a weird sence of humor.
I can't stand people acting like they are sooo totaly yur friendz and you can trust them, but then they stab you in the back, or just talk behind your back. Also don't think your better then any one else. Don't prejudge people, not because of how they look, what they listen to or who there friends are.
I think this is more than anoff you need to know about me now.You can leave a comment or ask anything you want to. If you see any of my pics you really like, I'dd like to know :)
greetz xx Angel
I'm a doll, rock'n'roll, feel the glamour in pink,
What is my ID?
hello, I'm Angel eyes.