All my kids are incredible Dancer's,They play guitar-drums and keyboard ,sing, drawl, write, Model and do standup.
Im a born Rock~N~Roller. I play guitar,write music and lyrics. All my kids are as talented and then some. I am no stranger to the Stage.Back in the early 80's I sang my music as well as doing stuff like "Joan Jett" on stage with the band "ISO".
I love to listen to live bands that are original and different. Not only in their music but on stage performance as well. Be it two or more point harmony, I love harmony vocals. I love leads and a great drum kit that thumps through the floor. All mixed properly it just rocks my soul! I have met and heard an unmentionable amout of bands while I was running stage lights along side of a great soundman. I learned to listen to even a pin drop over all the music on stage only to say..What the hell was If and When a mistake is made, I love to see the talent of a great artist who can cover it up so well it wasn't even detected by the crowd. But you can count on it..I
I can't stand it when production (Sound & Lights)(be it in house or fulltime) makes a great band sound shitty because he don't take his job to heart. I have encounter such soundmen. If I can't hear the instruments or vocals it pisses me off! That my dear friends is not a bands fault. Go tell the Soundman! If he/she don't have a big head about it he will listen to your opinion and try to fix it.
I have four great kids. They also play guitar,sing,dance and know alot about the music business. Hence my Daughter "Band Junky" Sam who is incredable at promoting, my Daughter Jodi who sings and plays my material, My son Danny who plays and writes music and lyric, and my Son Jamie who has been known to sit in one or two songs acoustic night at the cellblock Pub playing guitar.
The music blood line didn't begin there. I have a Sister who plays guitar and sings. She put out a gospel CD a few years back. I have Aunts and Uncles who play many instruments and sing also. And last but never least, My Mom. Before having kids,My Mom sang and played the accordion in a band.