.::ItS LiKe ThE TiTaNiC AnD ThE DiNgHy::. profile picture

.::ItS LiKe ThE TiTaNiC AnD ThE DiNgHy::.

.::Some People Come Into Our Lives, Quickly Go, Some Stay For Awhile, Leave Footprints On Our heart,

About Me

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My Interests

* GoIn 2 PaUaNuI In SuMmEr TiMe, * GoIn To PiHa (All TiMe FaVoUrItE BeAcH) * DrInKiNg * PaRtYiNg * HaNgInG OuT WiTh FrIeNdS * GoIn On RoAd TrIpS * FlYiNg ~And heaps more could go on forever~

I'd like to meet:

AnYoNe AnD EvErYoNe... Specially this person...wierdo hahahahahaha u look freaky hahaha i love this pik...i just found that lip balm 2dae (20/12/06) hahahaha and these sexy as feet...


AnYtHiNg AnD eVeYtHiNg... GoOdLuCk To GeNeVa AnD AsHrOaD, BoTh Ur BaNdS aRe AwEsOmE!! cHeCk ThEm OuT eVeRyOnE... i aLsO lOvE... * AaLiYaH * sUbLiMe * QuEeN * gUnS 'N' rOsEs * ReD hOt ChiLLi pEpPeRs ~They are some of my top favourite~


I LoVe sCaRy MoViEs BuT i hAvE nEvEr SeEn OnE tHaT hAs ScArEd Me YeT, i tEnD tO JuSt LaUgH...Im NoT a fReAk... SoMe Of My FaVoUrItES ThOuGh ArE... * Se7eN * SaW * SaW 2 ~They re the only ones that i actually realli liked...if you know of any good scary ones let me know PLEASE~ *1408 is a good movie i recommend it


I dOnT WaTcH ThAt mUcH TeLeViSiOn AnYmOrE bUt I dO HaVe A CoUpLe Of FaVoUrItEs... * DeSpErAtE hOuSeWiVeS * ScRuBs * GrEyS aNaToMy * CsI ~Basically any tv program that has 2 do with crime scene investigation~


Im Not A BoOk ReAdEr, I JuSt tEnD To sTiCk To My CoSmO mAgAzInE...


Layouts at HotFreeLayouts.com Love You Even though whenever you farted they stunk and always blamed it on me and my sisters and also ill never ever give away the blanket you made for me when i was born i still hav it wit me on my bed MiSs YoU HeApS x0x0x0x... (17/06/05)
Layouts at HotFreeLayouts.com Nathan Woolley is also another one he was an amazing person and xtremely hott and had amazing legs haha the legs everyone was talkin bout his legs @ the memorial haha R.I.P Nathan Woolley, "RuN NaThAn RuNnNn RuN LiKe FoReSt GuMp" my last words said to him 2days b4 he pased away(20/08/05)
Layouts at HotFreeLayouts.com Basically my whole family are my heros always there for me whenever i need them never let me down ever and of course cant leave out my besties either you know who you are i LoVe yous sooo much cant imagine life without alll of yous !!!YoU GuYs ArE My HeRoS!!!

My Blog

To My Henry... Beacuse you loved me

For My Henry ...Because you loved me... For all those times you stood by me For all the truth that you made me see For all the joy you brought to my life For all the wrong that you made right For ever...
Posted by .::ItS LiKe ThE TiTaNiC AnD ThE DiNgHy::. on Sun, 20 May 2007 08:06:00 PST

Type B+ Personality YAY

You Have A Type B+ PersonalityYou're a pro at going with the flowYou love to kick back and take in everything life has to offerA total joy to be around, people crave your stability.While you're totall...
Posted by .::ItS LiKe ThE TiTaNiC AnD ThE DiNgHy::. on Sun, 06 May 2007 11:34:00 PST