David profile picture


Before you see the light, you must die!

About Me

First off, people are normally intimidated by my size. Below is a chart to show that I'm really not that freakishly tall. People automatically assume that because of my height that I am some kind of mean giant that lives up a bean stalk and likes to eat small children. I assure you that contrary to popular myths, tall people are actually the nicest, friendliest people on the planet.So there you have it.....I'm taller than the average man but shorter than a black bear. I hope that clears up any miscommunication.

My Interests

David's Boring Life

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I'd like to meet:

I pretty much met all the people I've every wanted to meet. But... there are a few more people I hope I get the chance to meet before I die. Oh yeah... I forgot TROGDOR! Because he is the Burninator!


I'm not narrow minded when it comes to music. I listen to everything. I don't let one bad song deter me from listening to a whole genre of music. There are some genres of music I like more than others, but I'll give anything a listen at least once.


I love scary horror movies. Specially ALL the Zombie movies from the 1970's. If it's creepy, twisted, and scary...I'll watch it. But here are just a few of the flicks I dig: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Butterfly Effect, The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, Clockwork Orange, The Shining, Scareface, Good Fellas, Pulp Fiction, Caddyshack, The Big Lebowski, King Pin, Joe Dirt, Tommy Boy, Forrest Gump, The Fugitive, Saving Private Ryan, Apocalypse Now, Patriot Games, The Firm, Dances With Wolves, Citizen Cane, Lethal Weapon 2, Mad Max, The Road Warrior, Saw, House of 1,000 Corpses, Devils Rejects, Dawn of the Dead (Original Version), and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Original Version). The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre is the ONLY movie to ever scare the living piss out of me when I was a kid. Hell, it still scares the piss out of me.


Dog the Bounty Hunter Rules! South Park. The Simpsons. The Daily Show. The Colbert Report. Conan O'Brien. Real Time With Bill Mahr. Family Guy. VH1 Classic. Anything related to "real" true crime, NOT CSI.


Any biography, especially music.


The moles on Lemmy's face. Pay your respects to the greatest guitarist of all.Dimebag guitar clinic

Add to My Profile | More VideosFourthWorld

Add to My Profile | More Videos "I melt, therefore I am". Whoever can guess why I took my picture in front of this bar in New Orleans wins a prize. Debbie is disqualified. Someday I will owne a DOG this cool. Together, we will take over the world. Haaaaa.

My Blog

The busiest week EVER!!! Seriously!!!

Last week was a busy week for me. A lot of good shows were in town. The week started off on a bad note when the very first show I was supposed to go see got cancelled. I was supposed to see "If Hop...
Posted by David on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 07:13:00 PST

Goatwhore, Celtic Frost, and Phil Anselmo

Well& I was originally going to make this two separate blogs, but to save time and energy I combined my ramblings into one "Mega-Blog". This blog revolves around the band Goatwhore, Celtic Frost, N...
Posted by David on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 11:09:00 PST

Ride For Dime

  Last weekend I took a trip to Dallas for the big Ride For Dime event. Ride For Dime was a 1 day event which consisted of a 52 mile motorcycle run in the morning and then a live concert...
Posted by David on Thu, 24 Aug 2006 12:23:00 PST

Fuck Memphis, Mexico & United Airlines

I normally don't post blogs because I never have anything really interesting to say. Well, today I have a few things I would like to ramble about. Recently I was planning a...
Posted by David on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 07:04:00 PST