I LOVE to travel but I don't get to do it very often..Only every other weekend! HA!I love these girls! Best friends r hard to find and I've got em'!!Crazy shit!!
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JIM CARRY!!! Edward Norton,Incubus, Shaun White, and my future husband!Brian,me and Zach..
I like all music! If it has a good beat and I can shake my ass to it!!
My Favorite band!!I love Incubus!
*Like music to my soul**Tasty Travis*uhh..
I found my rollover effect at .. , They're awesome!
All Jim Carry movies! I have ALLLLL of his movies!! You could say I have a small obession..I love horror movies too!!*!BAM!*
The T.V guide channel is the shit! Ha! But I am sadly addicted to CSI and stuff like that..If there was a Jim Carry channel I would be wacthin it ALLLLL the time *wink* *My Bad Puppy**Ashy,Ronny,and Me**Me,Jessica,and Ashley**Green Beer 4 St pattys*
The B-I-B-L-E..that's the book for me..Lalala*Mikes 80's PaRtY**VIP in Memphis**2 of my bestest friends**Crazy Roadtrip**Halloween 06*
God,My Grandma,My Mom and Dad, and all my friends that inspire me!! And anyone who can look past the meaness of other people and relize that makes you the better person... *Me,Mom,My Grandma*Sexy bitchs!