La Loora (Split singing), Cindytalk, Hula, Winston Tong, The Wolfgang Press, Minimal Compact, Cocteau Twins, Holy Toy, This Mortal Coil, Flucht nach Vorn, Minimal Man, Royal Family and the Poor, Music for Pleasure, Tuxedomoon, Shriekback, Mephisto Walz, Norma Loy, The Danse Society, early Christian Detath, Bowie, early Clock DVA, Twice A Man, The Creatures, Toyah, Tones on Tail, Trance to the Sun, Slowdive, Dévics, Red Lorry Yellow Lorry, Jad Wio, End of Data, Cinema Strange, Bauhaus, Frank the Baptist, Fad Gadget, Martin Dupont, Gene loves Jezebel, Venus in Furs, The Kinks, Sparta, Warrior Soul, The Doors, Play Dead, And Also The Trees, Shadow Project, Japan, Wall of Voodoo, Lords of the New Church, Nyam Nyam, Miguel and the Living Dead, Gang Of Four, Modern English, Swansway, early Human League, Ultravox, early Visage, Kissing The Pink, Neon, Carcrash International, Human Disease, Chants of Maldoror, Scarlet's Remains, Purnama, Destroyalldreamers, Nick Cave, Crime & the City Solution, Shakespear's Sister, Smoke City, Cassandra Complex, Diamanda Galas, Katzenjammer Kabarett, Chanteuses Georgette Dee & Malediva, Niagara, Freundeskreis (Album "Die Quadratur des Kreises")
Preferded Classical: Rudolf Kelterborn, Iannis Xenakis, Tchaikovsky, Igor Stravinsky, Samuel Barber, G. Mahler, Ravel's Daphne & Chloe, Erik Satie, Popol Vuh, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Dmitri Shostakovich, G. Ligeti, Claude Debussy
Favorite Ballet:
In the middle somewhat elevated by William Forsythe
Music Thom Willems
Fav. Dancers: Sylvie Guillem, Marcia Haydée, Zenaida Yanowsky
Fav. Choreographs: William Forsythe, John Cranko, Glen Tetley, Maurice Béjart, Anatol Yanowsky
Sylvie Guillem
too many, but to name a few Favorites: Demian & Siddharta by Hermann Hesse, das focault'sche Pendel by Ecco, Lautréamont by Isidor Ducasse (Sirene Edition 1986), Krabat by Preußler, Le Fleurs du mal by Charles Baudelaire, Das scharlachrote Siegel by Baroness Orczy, Erzählungen von Kafka, H.P. Lovecraft, E.A. Poe, Shakespear, Rainer Maria Rilke, John Cranko's Stuttgarter Ballett-Buch, Stephen Hawking's kurze Geschichte der Zeit, J.D. Salinger's Fänger im Roggen, Terry Pratchett ...
Geschwister Scholl