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D U R S T™

Mein Herz ist aus Wolken gemacht, ich gehöre dem Wind. / Eure Unterhosen/Meine Seele/Spuren von Kot

About Me

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Ich war gross; genug zum Traeumen,doch jetzt plagt mich die Erschoepfung toter Welten.
Everything Anyone Ever Wanted To Know About You
The Basic Stuff
Name?: Durst
Age?: Dunno
Height?: 180 cm
Weight?: 70 kg
Birthday?: In winter
Birthplace?: Puerto de la Cruz
Current Location?: Cologne
School/Grade?: Fucking genius
Zodiac Sign?: Sagittarius
Chinese Zodiac Sign?: Buffalo
Righty or Lefty?: Righty
Haircolor?: Black
Eyecolor?: Green-Brown
Skin Color?: Fuckin` pale german
About You
What's Your Family Situation (Parents, Siblings, etc)?: There`s no situation
Any Pets?: Cat and vermin
If So What Are They?: Alive?
What's Your Heritage/Race?: Prussian ;) German
Political Affilation?: Egoist ;)
Love & Sex
Sexuality?: What do you mean? Male? Straight?
Are You In A Relationship Now?: With myself
If So, With Whom?: 5 vs 1 ?
For How Long?: Forgotten my age
Are You In Love?: "Dann überkam ihn eine Furcht vor diesem schwachen Maedchen, welches mit dem Leben spielen wollte. Und als bangte er, sie koennte kommen, ihn finden und ihn zwingen, in die fremde Welt zu fahren, raffte er sich auf und lief, so schnell er konnte, ohne sich umzusehen, der Stadt zu."
Ever Had A Crush On Someone Of The Same Sex?: No
How Old Were You When You Had Your First Kiss?: Dunno
Virgin?: No, aehh yes
If Not, How Old Were You When You Had Sex For The First Time?: Decades ago
Was It Enjoyable?: Didn`t asked her ;)
What's The Farthest You've Ever Gone?: Geographical? Moral? / Africa
Where Do You Most Like To Be Kissed?: Allover / Where the sun doesn`t shines
Best Love Quote?: Liebe ist, wenn man bewusst anfaengt, gegen seine eigenen Interessen zu handeln (Fortpflanzung mal ausgenommen) ;)
Your Friends
Best?: Some
How Many Do You Have?: Not much,talking about real friends.
More Guys Or Girls?: Who wants a girl as a friend? ;)
Love Them All?: Mostly anal ;)
Any You Wish You Were Closer To?: I`m already to close ;)
Oldest?: Nelle, over 16 years
Newest?: $
Pen Pal?: All incompetent in their own language
Lonely: Healthiest and best condition
This Or That
Boxers or Briefs?: Boxers
Thongs or G-Strings?: Whatever
Shorts or Pants?: Pants
Shoes or Barefeet?: Variable
Books or Movies?: I love books (I`ve sex with them) and I love movies (I`ve sex in cinemas ;)
Night or Day?: Variable
Dark or Light?: Variable
Mountains or Beach?: Variable
Snow or Sun?: Sun I think
Pepsi or Coke?: Nothing. Coca pure.
Guys or Girls?: There are advantages on both sides
For or Against
Gay Marriage?: For
Abortion?: For
Bush Getting Re-elected?: Against
Suicide?: For
War?: What a stupid question
Clothes In General?: Not for girls
Penises?: Got one
Color?: Black???
Number?: None (as child Nr. 8)
Holiday?: Whole day
Season?: Like them all, but summer is the healthiest for me
Movie?: Hundreds
Book?: Hundreds
Food?: Eat everything and with pleasure
Drink?: Dunno
Song?: dem rauschen des raumes und dem perlen der traenen einer krankheit der seele
Band?: Oh boy, there are so much
Want To Go To College?: Already happened
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: Pilot, Writer
Want To Have Kids?: Yes
How Many?: dozens
How Do You Want To Die?: In a flying and burning, drug polluted bordell over Paris, with live music
More Stuff About You
Piercings?: Yes, some, septum, labret, 2 helix, antihelix, eyebrow,..........
Smoke?: Yep
Drink?: Oh yep
Do Drugs?: Sometimes
Skinny Dip?: Sure
Greatest Fear?: To have none???
Go To Church?: No
Religion?: None
Scars?: Small ones
CDs Owned?: 800-1000 ???
Collections?: Books, music, films, my poems, clothes, girls,... ;)
Like To Be Naked?: Yeah
Ever Eaten Sushi?: Yau
Been On Stage?: Definition of stage, ok, yes
Danced In The Rain?: I`m born in Africa, rain is like taking a shower
Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex?: Yes
Weirdest Dream?: This one
Dream You Most Wish Would Come True?: That the heart dreamed it wakes up
Think You're Attractive?: As hell ;)
Shoplifted?: Yep
Been Caught "Doing Something"?: Mhhh, yes
Weirdest Makeout Place?: Oh so many, in a train tunnel, in a swan enclosure, in a disco, in a altersheim, in a forest, at the office, toilets, at the street,.......
Like Thunderstorms?: Don`t dislike them
Favorite Shoes?: Rangers (flip flops are great in summer)
Favorite Quote?: There are to much brilliant ones
Do you like the taste of blood?: Sicha, deswegen lutsch ich auch Kupfermuenzen
What shorts do you wear?: Tigerunterhosen, vorne gelb, hinten braun und schwarze Shorts mit weissen Camouflageflecken ;)
Glad This Is Over?: Suck my dick
Wenn der Bodensatz zur Kante wird, stolpert das Laecheln.
..The cock is the weapon against the time
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My Interests

Music, Literature, Films, Writing, Philosophy (mainly Existenzialism), Poetry (mainly Expressionism), Drugs (espc. , Girls, Party, drunk sex, sex with killers, Blueten kotzen, Raubtierworte,Crack & Sodomie,...(And stereotype profiles ;) test

I'd like to meet:

es gibt nichts neues, alles war schon da, alles neue, ist nur das neue alte.Ach, ihr wollt doch eh alle nur mein Erbgut und/oder meine Gunst ;)
Froufrou / Joe de Lait / Mangina the motherlicker / Gloves for wanking / Pussyjuice/ Beziehungen so fruchtbar wie Mastdarmejakulationen /Women might be able to fake orgasms. But men can fake a whole relationship/.. width="425" height="350" ....This is how it is:Man muss sich so sehr hueten, dass man nicht/ Ohn jeden Anlass aufbruellt wie ein Tier./ Dass man der ganzen Kellnerschaft Gesicht/ Nicht kurz und klein haut, uebergiesst mit Bier./Das man sich nicht die ekle Zeit verkuerzt,/ Indem man sich in einen Rinnstein legt./ Das man sich nicht von einer Bruecke stuerzt./ Das man dem Freund nicht in die Fresse schlaegt./Das man nicht ploetzlich unter Hundswauwau/ Die Kleider sich vom feisten Leibe reisst./ Das man nicht irgendeiner lieben Frau/ Den finstern Schaedel in die Schenkel schmeisst./
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.. ..
Shadow Project, Martyr Whore, Cinema Strange, Subtonix, Chants of Maldoror, The Mighty Sphincter, Human Disease, Vox Ab Nihil, Smiling Goth, Violet Stigmata, Madre del Vizio, Virgin Prunes, Tones on Tail, Voodoo Church, 45 Grave, Neva, The Evil Speaks, Tragic Black, Sleeping Children, Kommunity FK, Las Gorgonas, DadaDumdums, Corpus Delicti, Specimen, Miguel and the living Dead, Guerre Froide, Novocaine Mausoleum, Paralises Permanente, Baroque Bordello, Radio Scarlet, Nazis from Mars, Jaquy Bitch, Undercover Sluts, Christian Death (Aunt Rotze),Strange Dolls Cult, Eva O., Red Lipstick Death, Opera De Nuit, Antiworld, Sex Gang Children, Jad Vio, March Violets, Mephisto Waltz, La Peste Negra, Phantom Limbs, Daucus Karota, Katzenjammer Kabarett, Les Deadchovsky, Malign, Le Vene Di Lucretia, Sixteen, Undying Legacy, Scarlett Remains, Black Atmosphere, Extremauncion, Play Dead, Bloody Dead & Sexy, Hysteric Helen, Snowy Red, Neon, Schloss Tegal, Alien Skull Paint, League Of Nations, Fliehende Stuerme, Skeletal Family, Asmodi Bizarr, Il Giardino Violetto, Fall Of Saigon, The Dead Society, Lucy Cries, Lacrime Di Cera, Fad Gadget, Polyphonic Size, The Rohrschach Garden, Children On Stun, Lowlife, The Dead Society, Passion Play,Burning Image, Praise of Folly, Capital Hell, Of Echo And Torpid, Din Glorious, Toys Went Berserk, The Dead Society, Dead Sex, London After Midnight, Astrovamps, Black Ice, Leisure Hive, Libitina, alte Love Like Blood, Lady Beserys Garden, Gothic Sex, Revolution by Night, Two Witches, Every New Dead Ghost, Red Temple Spirits, Vampire Beach Babes, Doxa Sinistra, Zombina & the Skeletons, Bauhaus, Fields of the Nephilim, Sisterhood, Joy Division, Cure, Diary o. D., Los Humillados, Alien Sex Fiend,Cocteau Twins, Garden of Delight, House Of Usher, Clan of Xymox, Mother Destruction, Altered States, Tuxedomoon, Ceramic Hello, Tango Luger, Revolution By Night, Kas Product, Frank the Baptist, Trance to the Sun, Glod, alte Angina Pectoris, Marquee Moon, Ex-Voto, Suspiria, Malaise, Dead Can Dance, Kiss the Blade, Big Electric Cat, Rosetta Stone, The Wake, Fear Cult, Swans Of Avon, Dance Society,Screams for Tina, The Horrati, Charles De Goal, Collapsing New People, YelworC, Hocico, AmgoD, Katscan, Cenobita, Sneaky Bat Machine, Necromatik, Carphax Files, Throbbing Gristle, Haus Arafna, Haujobb, Psyclon Nine, Velvet Acid Christ, Leather Strip, Dismantled, Front 242, Accessory, G. Numan, Skinny Puppy, X Marks the Pedwalks, Combi Christ, Dance Or Die, Aiboforcen, Decoded Feedback, God Modul, Suicide Comando, Noyce, Deine Lakaien, Frontline Assembly, Assemblage 23, Evils Toy, Cold Meat, Amduscia, Aesthetic Perfect, Mentallo, Ah Cama Sotz, The Young Gods, The Deadfly Ensemble, Neural Circus, All Gone Dead, Graveyard Bats, Siglo XX, Deutsch Nepal, Out Hut, Godspeed, Beef Terminal, Oasis, Delorean, Death in Vegas, Cabaret Voltaire, Sleepy Jackson,Interpol, Ken, Pulp, Placebo, Doves, Depeche Mode, The Ark, Broken Social Scene, Synphonix, Explosions in the Sky, Stereo Apples, Peter Bjorn and John, Kaiser Chiefs, Berge sans Nipples, Do Make Say Think, The Hiss, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Franz Ferdinand, Ellen Alien, Mahler, The Klaxons, Villeneuve, Verdi, The Smiths, Cooper Temple Clause, Brahms, Wagner, Silver Mount Zion, Electric Six, J. Cash, Goldfrapp, Portishead, Autechre,Cassius, Archive, Visit Venus, Suede, The Faint, Animal Collectiv, Goose, Redskinnadub, Doors, L. Cohen, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Sonic Youth, Motrhead ;), Sigue Sigue Sputnik, Tiger Tunes, The Cribs, The Rakes, Supersystem, Infadels, Mussorgskij, She Wants Revenge, Ascii Disko, Ceasars, The Raveonettes, Helio Sequence, T. Waits, Sneaker Pimps, British Sea Power, Tigerbeat, The Rapture, Xingli Supreme, France Gall, Olivia Tremor Control, P. Glass, Boards Of Canada, Berlioz, Space Dub, Lou Reed, Muse, Jay Jay Johanson, Airport, Primal Scream, Starsailor, M83, Tindersticks, Bach, U.N.K.L.E,Sigur Ros, E. Satie, Stockhausen, Radio 4, Faure,CSS, X-Wife, Hot Hot Heat, Giardini Di Miro,The Bravery,The Knife, Robots In Disguise, Requiem in White,Mando Diao, Bohren & Club of Gore, Black Dice, Scissor Sisters, Bloc Party, Le Tigre, Louie Austen, Schloss Tegal, Scarlett`s Remain, Electrelane, Stellastarr*, Zombina & the Skeletones, Shadow Reichenstein, Violet Stigmata, Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio, Schloss Tegal, Schwarz Stein, Polmo Polpo, Danse Society, Radio Scarlet, SPK, Sixteens, Malign, All Gone Dead, Undying Legacy, League Of Nations, Arab Strap, Black Wire, Infadels, Chikinki,Hard Fi, Dirty Pretty Things, The Bravery, Gorillaz, Bone Orchard, Editors, The Rakes, Test Icicles, Ausgang, Haus Arafna, Bat Attakk, Eat Your Make Up, The Departure, Red Zebra, Kissogram, Dresden Dolls, Spiritual Bats, E. Piaf, Demented Are Go, Misfits, Bolshoi, Skeletal Family, Red Lorry Yellow Lorry, Murder At The Registry, The Cemetery GirlZ, Radio Werewolf, Tango Luger, Vanishing, Mando Diao, Sex Beat, Malign, Razzia ,The Naked and the Dead, Truemmerwelten, Lords Of The New Church, SDC, Twilight Ritual, Beruier Noir, Sixteens, Quidam, ................................
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Montana Sacra, Visitor Q, Seul contre tous, Songs from the second floor, Bad Lieutenant, El Topo, Monday, Taxi Driver, Reefer Madness, Engel des Universums, Nosferatu, Happiness, Unter dem Vulkan, Der Golem, Gangster Nr. 1, Pi, Songs at Midnight, Fear & Loathing in L.V., Cabinett des Dr. Caligari, Blue Velvet, American Beauty, Wer ist Harry Kellerman?, Irreversible, Requiem for a dream, Das grosse Fressen, Subconcious Cruelty, Eraserhead, Pulpspotting,Dark Star ;) Leaving L.V., Johnny zieht in den Krieg, Himmel ueber Berlin, Einer flog uebers Kuckucksnest, The Cremaster Cycle 1-5, L`Inferno, Detroit, Blast of Silence,Dark Horse, Metropolis, The Addiction, Magnolia, Fahrenheit 451, Oskar Fischinger, Jules et Jim, Clockwork Orange, Pink Flamingos, Themroc, 120 Tage von Sodom, Glengarry Glen Ross, Straight Story, Donnie Darko, 1984/Providence Ein Mann der Masse, The lost weekend, Le Manoir du Diable, ......... and many more.. width="425" height="350" ....value="http://www.youtube.com/v/gqPbkXowM-k" ...... width="425" height="350" ...... width="425" height="350" ...... width="425" height="350" ....msprm name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/dU7OqGCIcak" ....


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Schopenhauer - Aphorismen, div. , Sartre - Ekel, div. , Hamsun - Hunger, Mysterien, div. , Gontscharov - Oblomov , Heidegger - Div., Nietzsche - Also sprach Zarathustra, Jenseits von Gut und Boese, div., Hesse - Steppenwolf, Narziss & Goldmund, Unterm Rad,Klingsors letzter Sommer, div., Kerouac - On the Road, div., Bukowski - Div., Camus - Der Sisyphos Mythos, div., Lichtenberg - Sudelbuecher, Rilke - Malte Laurids Brigge, div., Jaspers - Div., Bourroughs - Div., Celan - Div., Benn - Div., Li Tai Po -Div., Heym - Div., Genet - Tagebuch eines Diebes, div., Lao Tse - Tao Te King , Bierce - Div., Trakl - Div., Ginsberg - Div., Bernhard - Div., Rimbaud - Div., Platon - Div., Moliere - Der Misantroph, div., Huchel - Div., Villon - Div., Byron - Div. , Jelinek - Lust, div., Rousseau - Bekenntnisse, div., Omar Khayyam - Dichtungen, Lichtenstein - Div., Wright - Div., Stadler - Div., Kierkegaard - Tagebuch eines Verfuehrers , Dostojewski - Schuld und Suehne, Traum eines laecherlichen Mannes, Beleidigte & Erniedrigte, div., Voltaire - Div., Plath - Die Glasglocke, div., Feuerbach - Gedanken ueber Tod und Unsterblichkeit, Ibsen - Gespenster, div., Bachmann - Div., Bataille - Das obzoene Werk, Hilbig - Div. , Rimbaud - Div., Eichendorff - Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts, Lautreamont - Chants of Maldoror, Epikur - Div., Dante - Goettliche Komoedie, Baudelaire - Div., Pessoa - Das Buch der Unruhe, Kafka - Div., H. Miller - Opus Pistorum;), Thompson - Rum Diaries, Fear & Loathing in L.V., Milton - Paradise Lost, Schmidtbauer - Die Angst vor Naehe, Nothombe - Metaphysik der Roehren, Popper - Div., Calderon - Das Leben ein Traum, Div., Hoelderlin - Hyperion, London - Koenig Alkohol, Murakami - Mr. Aufziehvogel, Flaubert - Schule der Empfindsamkeit ,


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Sind zwar mitlerweile eine Handvoll nicht ganz so gute Movies mit bei, aber größtenteils die, die man sehen sollte ;)..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />  - B...
Posted by D U R S T™ on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 08:07:00 PST

surveia/Briefsteck aber schon leicht angegilbt

Na, is da jemand neugierig. Das hier wird Dir nicht die Langeweile vertreiben, aber Langeweile passt eh nur in leere Köpfe. Viel Spaß mit dem dämlichen Geschmiere. Bei Gelegenheit werde ich euch weit...
Posted by D U R S T™ on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 04:50:00 PST