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I will tell you about that in a few!! First of all this is still the same I haven't changed . My name is Kyle. I am 27 years old born on November 5. I was born and bread in Louisville, Kentucky.(LoL) Born and Bread not Inbread (LoL).It is Kentucky!! (LoL)....I AM KIDDING. I was living in Jeffersonville, Indiana for about three years. Thank god I am back in the Bluegrass St. (ya!) I am 5ft5, 120 pnds, sandy blond hair, green eyes, smooth and yea well the cock size.....well we will talk about that in person....(can't give you all the dirty details right away....LoL).I was raised by my Grandma (Lerema Lee Legge) who I consider and called MoM. (God Blessit Be, and let her guide me through) ...For my MoM had passed away on December 11, 2001. (I love you and will miss you always, Thank you for raising me and teaching me what you could. I will try to make you proud). I still have issues dealing with the loss I had and I don't think I will ever get to over come that issue. I have a mother as well. Her name is Janice. She is 43 years old, born on July 4. She is the sparkle of my life now. She is like my sister. We argue and fight and make up and will pick at each other just like sisters. We make a joke that she said that if I was a girl she was going to name me Enchantrous, I said that she should have named me that anyways. (LoL) (For thats after the fact I came out to her) O by the way , Yea I am GAY (SORRY LADYS I STILL LOVE YA). (If you didn't know....yea couldn't tell). But, My mother is very excepting of the life style that I have chosen to lead and even partys with me at The Connection.....Our gay bar/nightclub here in Louisville, Kentucky. I love you mother and Thank God that you are still with me and we are still making it. (Not badd for a girl form the gutter like us...LoL...You know what I mean.Now enough of all the boring details. LoL...I like to Dance. Dancing is something that I have done since I was in elementry school. I was in talent shows and I won almost every one I was in. My first song I did was Maddonna Like a prayer and Like a virgin And you couldnt tell I was a fag then ....yea....right!!! But even though I still said I was straight and I continued that Lie till I was 16, and came out to friends at 18 and then to all family in the year 2001. I would like to be a back up dancer or a coyargrapher for someone someday. I like to walk, eat, swim, cuddle, watch movies, go clubbing, party, (and prv me for a talk to ask me what kind of partying) and sex of course lol I am a guy.... and hang out with my TRUE FRIENDS. And by that I mean that through the years I have learned who to count on and who is just a friend for the moment. My Best friends for I have known for years on end I do want to say Thank you for being there and believing in me. (My mother (what can I confidant,mother,sister,friend,enemy (at times ol kiddin) my reason for fighing and surviving etc) my Aunt Dinah (for believing in me and giving me the fighting strenth to make it one way or another like you have done all these years), Liz C. ..1 and Liz C. .. 2 (lol) both Lizs have the same Last letter C) .. 1 for never giving up on me and hanging in there with me through my good and bad habits,for always being my firend no matter what or the cost and for your strenth and support for me looking up to you as a role model I love you ),Liz .. 2 for New Hope and a New beginning and also showing that if you set your mind to a goal you can over come any obsticle in the way, I have confidded my faith and I believe in you and me girl, we shall over come our weakness and or relationship will grow I love you),Russ, there are no words to say for you are the Pimp Daddy of them all)(I love you and you and I have been friends for years through thick and thin as well, thanks for being a true friend and a damn good kisser hehe)Mamma Debbie I miss you, John mother fuckin H.( What can I say...we have been through it all hell have no furry when it cums to us..I love you more than you will and ever could possibly imagine...maybe 1 day you will).Jill , for we still end up comming back together come hell or high water, and for being back in my life, it is true TRUE FRIENDS do come back , I could never forget you you are my best friend always I look up to you as well as a role model and think of you often) Jen, my girl we have secreats that we will only know about I love you and yes thats our story and WE ARE STICKIN TO IT, Aunt (Momma) Deb, for you have given me new strengh,guidence,support,love and a light at the end of the tunnel, you I feel that my MoM is somehow working through you to finish guiding me through life and its obsticles and to help me grow into the person that she can be proud of as well as you to be proud of me I LOVE YOU and THANK YOU!! This last year you have shown me what I have lost and thats FAMILY! Rachel, we came back together girl and I know you said if I ever disapear again for three mother f****** years you will kill me yourself. I love you and thanks to you and your new addition to the family my Drewbers, Auntie Kyle loves him more than you know I love you Rache. Lol o.k. o.k. I could just go on and on I just wanted to name a few but I have to many thoughts goiong through my mind. I just wanted to name those right off the bat for others you know you are my friends as well and I love you too and you know who you are and Thank you.
I do want to say new friends are welcome always and old friends are going to stay . Like Celine Dion said and My heart will go on and on........ENOUGH!!!!Below is some pics that Jill and Lizz have been bugging me about to get on My Spaace. was a reuinion that was long over due.This was The Power Of Three that night. We met and went to The Old Spagetti Factory for dinner with the kids. Here are the pics ladys I love you both so enjoy. Thank you for being my friend.Love Kyle.
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Cool SlideshowsNow since I bored you to mother f***** tears...... I just wanted to point out some very special people in my life and say Thanks for even though we as a human race do intend to forget and say Thanks to those special people in our lives. I am very outgoing person. I am talkative, not shy at all. I love pushing peoples buttons being provacative, and an exabitionist. I used to be a stripper so yea a little exabitionist I am. I do work in a differnt profession today however...I work at Kroger as a Supervisor. I have been there since April 24, 2006. My start back to the life I once had when things were in order (some what) I love it there and that is where I have started to make a new beginning and to start somewhere in my life making progress I hope. Here is where the begining of this long story started makes since....The Power of Three.... My favore show is Charmed so thats where that comes from.....But I relize just like Whoopi (No eyebrow) Goldberg said in Sister Act) if you wanna be somebody and you wanna go somewhere you gotta wake up and pay attention. For no one else is going to do it but,2.myself, and I. Thats the real POWER OF THREE!! I have relized that and I am trying. I don't have a car right now for I used to own a 98 Ford Mustang Cov (Long story made short....came out to my Bio-father Stormin Norman Callahan. who co-signed for me a car ....even though I made all paymeants for 4 years on the car took my car for of my Homeosexuality issue) Bitter No....what comes around BELIVE IN KARMA GIRL.... So now I am trying to rebuild some ground.I guess that is about it for now anything else just ask I will tell you I am an open book. I don't believe in lying about myself for an old friend taught me the phrase of "F*** what you thought!" for you like me for me I shouldn't have to change or tell you something just to get you to like me. I am who I am and thats all I can be and hope that I can be a better person. For we all have flaws we are not perfect. I am by far not perfect and I am clingy a little and do want the one thing in this world the most and thats L-O-V-E!!
WB's Charmed: What Character are You?Piper-Romantic, commitment-oriented, moody. Long for stable relationships, strive for order and balance. Loyal to those around you. Although you lose your temper from time to time, you maintain composure when strangers are around.
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