So you can take a look at my pic to see what I look like. So now you know that. So who am I. Well what all do you wanna know? Each person defines another individual by certain standards that one can not really set out to put forth who they are in a profile to specifically define themselves entirely in words that would suit them in a way that doesn't make them feel in a way, akward or, simply ugh.So I will be very honest. Im a kind individual, I'm honest. I seek that in others. I believe in one virtue, thats integrity. Integrity can not be bought or sold, traded, once lossed, its gone, never to be gained back again. It's the one thing that when you stnad any man or woman beside each other regardless of anything else
ANYTHING its the one thing that can be seen thru quite loudly in there face. They show it. People wear that integrity everywhere and it shows me everything. Every person I pass on the street I see it, this look of moralistic apptitude that I can not even explain. This is a part of who I am.In my early 20's I traveled the world extensively both for fun and as a musician. I played the Piano and the Sax. I have given performances for crouds of thousands. It was probably truly the best years of my life, that I can remember. It started when I was 17 and toured Europe with a band as a sax player and grew from there. So music is in my blood. Just not your typical music that most people listen to on an everyday basis. My husband laughs at me all the time when he mentions some alternative band from the 80's and I have no idea who they are. I have toured with the Phantom of the Opera road show for a breif period of time during college. I have met my Godess of music Sarah Brightman on many occassions. Thats enough about me and music.About me and religion. I study the Urantia. Many of you may even ask what it is. Just let me tell you. Get the book and read it, so many answers will be revealed to you.I do see auras which is another oddity about me, sometimes right away, sometimes in pictures, sometimes in crisis, sometimes out of no where. It really helps me choose my friends and it also helps me to help others. I have a degree in therapy and I try not to let that influence me, but its not easy to stop it.My life isnt easy. At a very young age I lost my first love of 8 years in an auto accident, I was holding him when he died. Then when I fell in love again, I was abused and cheated on. Then I turned to Alcohol and finnanly freed myself from that, and now going thru another life crisis with two disibilities, one of my own and one of my partners. We will be fine it just takes a lot of work and and a lot of energy.I believe what I miss the most and what haunts me so much is the fact of when I was a bodybuilder and in great shape. Well those days are long gone. Its hard to walk up to people that I use to hang out with and see them look at me, and I know what there thinking. But it is my personal goal, not to be back in that same shape, but to be back in great shape again, and that I will do.Add mystery, add insane times of laughter that come from absolutly no place at all that drive others mad. Add in a little bit of risk taking, someone that loves danger. You may be getting a little more vivid picture of me now. You add on top of that the 347 scars Due to a former addiction to Pain. huh :-) and they call my husband satan. Basically DONT Fuck with me on a bad day.
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A more perfect Union. The most powerful speech of my
generation.David Cook Music of the Night
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