Nature-Dirt-old stuff-old bikes- old guitars- old friends- new friends- old microphones anything with NO plastic on it-people and their feelings- free thinking ideas and individuals.CREATIVITY!- art art art and music music music- music with no plastic in it- art with nothing but plastic- but art in general- my children and wife-colors-smells-foods- the earth- the universe- the cosmos- infinity-beyond infinity- a grain of sand- molecules- things smaller than molecules- things that are living in things smaller than molecules. and of course- YOU.
Roger Miller-Jackie Wilson- Ben E king-Willie Deville- Nick Lowe- Colin Blunstone- Sly Stone-John Fahey-Doc Boggs-Reverand Gary Davis- Iggy Pop-Tom Verlaine- Roy Smeck- Joseph Spence-Heck! everybody!
Doc Boggs- Rev Gary Davis- Johnny Cash- Scott Walker- Ray Davies- Reg Presley-the Kaleidoscope- David Lindley- Brian Wilson- Jan and Dean- David Gates- James Brown- Dyke and the Blazers-Music Machine- Standells-Sonics-Zombies-Toots and the Maytals- U Roy- Big Youth- Lee Perry- Swampdog- etc etc etc etc etc etc etc- ynow all that good music
Singin' In The Waterfront ListKelly makes a splash as Don Lockwood, a Hollywood leading death camp during World War X by hiring them to work in his factory. Memorable performances all around,.;Score is highlighted by "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" - a song that became visited by a guardian angel (Travers) and shown what the world would be like if he had never been born.
The Shamrocks- Eddie Money- I did this with the "Sham" of course
Really The Blues- Audio Cyclopedia- All EC comics-Temples of Sound
A 4 track ditty I did in 1979- kinda cool- unfinished , but i like the path it takesWOW- JohnCage and Roland Kirk!!- What more could you ask for??