William profile picture


The best way to learn film making is making movies

About Me

I'm an Evergreen State College graduate and am starting my own production company Run and Gun Pictures www.runandgunpictures.com . I have finished shooting on my first feature length film Spring 2005 it had a budget of $4,000 and a multi-cultural crew of 20+. I am still editing it (making this a 2 1/2 year project thus far)! I shot a short film "Adventure" a while ago and am wishing to redue it with better cinematography, ect, plus do additional episodes. It was a 1930's big white hunter spoof. I am currently trieing to wrap up a cartoon series called, "Dungeons" for my site. We need Flash animators, we've hired several people who have produced nothing usable. We have story boards and audio tracks for each episode. I am always looking for more actors, gripes, camera men, sound people, or any of the above. Interested? E-mail me [email protected] . My movie Quest for the Golden Rod was a fantasy spoof using a combination of sfx from CGI and claymation to animatronics and greenscreening. We are shot it on a Cannon GL2 production stills were taken with a 2 megapixel vivicam (not bad for $40 with printer). I have my own editing bay (3ghz 1.5 gig ram 850 gig comp. with Preimeir 6.02b, Preimeir Pro 2.0 CGI software AlamDV 2.0 and FX Lab, Sound cleaner Goldwave, chomposite Chromantor and Composite Lab pro, and few other nice peices of software). Our current sound situation is a Short Shotgun mic MKE-300 and 2 wireless lapels. We are recording our audio through the camera and a backup track is also to be recorded via mini-disk recorder. Check out our updates as they happen at www.goldenrodmovie.com
Adventure and the rest of my Vodcasts are now viewable and downloadable at:www.RunandGunPictures.com
I've signed up with a pay per click ad program, the idea being if you click on the ad I get money. I think everyone's videos should be on this kind of system.
Oh and I'm also:

My Interests

3d, acting, actors, animation, animatronics, anime, bruce campbell, cgi, claymation, comics, computers, dvds, editing, electronics, fantasy, film, filming, foamy, geek, goth, horror, japananimation, love, monsters, movies, mp3s, music, nerd, production, sci fi, sfx, sound, special fx, stop-motion, theatre, vampires, video, video games, zombies, bdsm, poly, gay, bi, hetro, love, sex, breasts, bbw, curvy, voluptuous, sexual, sub, dom, orgy, cuddling.

I'd like to meet:

Lloyd Kaufman

Mel Brooks

Woody Alan

Bruce Campbell


Horror, Sci Fi, Romance, Romantic Comedy, Comedy, Independent Films, Troma Films... I like a mix of films... Evil Dead 1,2 and 3. It's hard for me to narrow this whole thing down so let me just say I hate, art films and feminist experimental films. I like movies that make me think, but not one that to quote the artist, "This has no point, I just thought it would look pretty." I know a few people who make art films for a living and their secret is, "I shoot random shit, I edit it together so it looks cool, I ask what do people think it's about and whatever they say I quote back to the buyers." So yeah, I don't respect those "artists". Sorry if that offends you.


How to Make a Feature Length Film for under $10,000 (and not go to jail), Make Your Own Damn Movie, All I Learned About Film Making I Learned From The Toxic Avenger, On-Screen Directing, $30 Film School, Making a Good Script Great, Directing Shot by Shot, Understanding Comics, Camcorder Magic, Art of Film: The Golden Era Of Hollywood, If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a b-movie actor, Rebel Without a Crew and Creating Unforgettable Characters, Dealmaking in the Film and Television Industry From Negotiations Through Final Contracts, Effective TV Production, Lighting for Digital Video & Television, Hey, Whipple, Squeeze This: A Guide to Creating Great Ads, How to Star In Your Own TV Show for $50 or Less: An Insider's Guide to Public Access and Digital Video Production Cookbook: 100 Professional Techniques for Independent and Amateur Filmmakers. New stuff: A ton of books on flash animation... Cartoons coming soon!

My Blog

Well I got my ticket lol.

Drawing it this evening. Bought my first Mega Millions ticket. I'm so financially screwed right now and stuck in Sequim unemployed that I figured what the hell. Maybe I'll get lucky. Jackpot is 250 mi...
Posted by William on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 03:09:00 PST

Movie finished and posted!

Finally after over 3 years, Quest for the Golden Rod is finished and posted on Revver.  Goto my main website to check it out along with all of my other videos and clips.   www.runandgunpictu...
Posted by William on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 02:55:00 PST

Somone stole and is using my debt card. I'm fucked.

Just to let people know what's been going on.  Some how, some one stole my Debit card and has been using it.  Lost over a 1000 dollars.  Only going to get 400 of it back according to my...
Posted by William on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:33:00 PST

Quest for the Golden Rod Update!

Ok special effects 95% there.  Sound 96% there.  General editing 99%  Closeing credits 85%  Music 80%.  Website 90%.  And that's the God's (or Goddess's) honest truth.&nb...
Posted by William on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 01:28:00 PST

I graduated!

As an American and one who truly LOVES his country.  I graduated from Evergreen State College. As science as my guide I held back the hordes of hippies in order to obtain my mighty green framed d...
Posted by William on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 08:10:00 PST

Goth the Elf hits Revver! Watch it again, for the first time!

http://one.../watch/264253 There's the link to the awesome!   Signed,      William A. McDonald
Posted by William on Thu, 10 May 2007 12:51:00 PST

Finished a project no one was expecting! GOTH THE ELF!

Ok, This is a Brain child of Rob and he needed my help to birth it.  He drew the characters in Flash, wrote the script and did the voices.  I mixed the audio, directed, drew the backgrounds&...
Posted by William on Mon, 07 May 2007 03:39:00 PST

Heart Attack, Cartoons and film making

How to start, ok...  Here we go. Apparently my film Adventure, gave Danielle's dad a heart attack.  Which is terrible.  The good news is, it wasn't out of anger or rage, but rather laug...
Posted by William on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 01:00:00 PST

It's my birthday! I'm now 25, soon I will probably die.

I'm 25.  Yaaaa me.  25 is the age most of my relatives start falling apart.  Hope I last longer.  Also the interviews are in my videos folder, check them out.   Signed, &...
Posted by William on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 02:09:00 PST

Sweet Zombie Jesus on a pogo-stick THE INTERVIEWS ARE DONE!

That's right people, the interviews are done!  For those of you unaware, I recorded small little interviews randomly thoughout the filming of Golden Rod.  Nothing really special, but kinda f...
Posted by William on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 01:54:00 PST