i am
sweeT * fuN* motivateD* determineD* & ready for this worLd to know who i aM... if they don't aLready~!! Live each daY
Like it's youR last & always remember your true friends!! i love life more than anyonE i know so i'M going to make it one peopLe wiLL hear about foreVer~!! i'm gunna bE ricH biaTCH~!!! i Love my famiLy
more than anythinG ... wouLd give ne thinG to my motheR & broTher... and just when i think i couldn't get betteR friends they do somethinG thaT makes me love them even more~!! knowledge is poWer, and the thingS i thrive most in life are Money, Power,
& respeCT ... I am *GoinG* to be the neXt Donald Trump with BooBs!! ... there are 24 hourS in a Day
& you can use aLL of them*!! Always remembeR you can't have suceSS without failuRe... BuT Act as though it is impossible to fail~!!! xxx0
beauTifuLLy* intergraTed*
indiViduaL ...
Some people dream of success... while others wake up and work hard at it... ;) Live your Life Like there..'s no tomorroW*
dream Like you will live foreveR*
is the new yesterday
Love life.
Live life.
art is a deception
deception requires confidence
wiLL change
TraveL . The further you go, the wider your knowledgE
the better you see things in life especially the minor details that you once overlookeD
seLf is just a perception
don't let it constrain yoULayout Provided By CodeMyLayout.com - Myspace Layouts