I have many. Some are standard, some are what make me, me. Standard: Movies, music, books, friends, good times. Me: Steely Dan, John Carpenter films, mystery science theatre 3000, duckbilled platypus's, reading in bed, chai tea, learning to cook, being good at my job, film editing, etc.
Movies I've seen recently:Revolver (bad), Sweeny Todd (good), Wet, Hot, American Summer (love it), Grandma's Boy (funnier then any right to be), Rolling Thunder (bad ass)
Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Smallville, Alias, Dead Like Me, Invader Zim, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law, Adult Swim in general, Chappelle Show, Mr. Show, Arrested Development, 24, MST3K, The Office (american version. Never watched the bbc one), Dr. Who, Battlestar Galatica
Books I am currently reading: About Grace - Anthony Doerr, What is the What - Dave Eggars, and Legacies - F. Paul Wilson
The more I think, this section is cheesy. There are people I respect a lot, but heroes sounds like cult worship.However, I am quite fond of Bill Hicks, Henry Rollins, Ian Mackaye, and Crispin Glover.