The Costa Mesa Angels of Anaheim (baseball), Lakers (BASEketball), music, skateboarding and riding my nine-speed.
I'd like to meet:
Honest humans (no white lies) who put insecurities and ego aside and replace it with love are special in my heart. I do have a special soft spot for women who desire alternative choices, who are on the creative side of things and decline to eat bush or jesus.
Tool (or as Shane would put it, "TOOL, TOOL, TOOL!!!"). The Pixies, Dinosaur Jr., Camper Van Beethoven and old school Deftones. I also like Queens of the Stone Age, Interpol, APC, AIC, Po?n, Godsmack, Superchunk and Pavement among others. OK, and fucking Rage, Audioslave and Chris Cornell too.
I grew up on Oingo Boingo, The Replacements, Husker Don't, Thin White Rope, J.F.A., Giant Sand, Meat Puppies and Minutemen. I met D. Boon. The gentleman was very nice to me as an idiot teenager. (RIP 1958-1985)
What the Bleep by a bunch of crazy ass so called scientists, Stardust by Matthew Vaughn, As Good As It Gets by James L. Brooks, Reservoir Dogs by you know who, Dave by Ivan Reitman, Gladiator by Ridley Scott, The Last Temptation of Christ (the Barbara Hershey parts) by you know who, Casino Royale by Martin Campbell, Fall by Eric Schaeffer and My First Mister by Christine Lahti.
And, last but not least: Joe Dirté
I don't watch TV except for sports and South Park. No, I haven't caught the last episode of Heroes nor care that such and such was drinking at my bar.
Latest: That Elixir Called Love by Ramtha, This Man's Army by Andrew Exum, Ghost Wars by Steve Coll and Thomas Jefferson: A Life by Willard Sterne Randall
Anyone alive and awake.
Certain individuals I can name off hand are first and foremost my best friend Jambi (otherwise known as Shane Kral), my mentor Robert Balling Jr. , my buddy Flux, MJK, D.C., Brad Wilk, Alex Grey, Tom Morello, Adam Jones, Eric Schaeffer, Blair MacKenzie Blake and last but not least... everyone's favorite sex partner: Josh Freese.