Jaden Erin Leigh profile picture

Jaden Erin Leigh

Never hit a bum in the back of the head

About Me

www.JadenLeigh.com i gotts fro and Im funny, im cute and complicated, clean and dirty, short on the tall side and strange but sweet oh yeah they all end with -ishya wanna befriend me you better say hello first...

My Interests

.. language="Javascript" src="http://box.jpgmag.com/badge.php?person=TheBandit&th eme=54"..I like Flying, no not planes, superman style. I like to sit on the beach and think about what everyone I have ever met is doing at that moment. I love to get Nachos from 7-11 with all the cheese I want. I have fun acting creepy in Vegas. I love Running when angry. I am not a writer but I love to write. I dig nice people and loathe the bastards. Yes I still want to go to space. Everyday I sit, I sit and figure out how to change the world. Thats all I really want in life peeps, well that and wine and cheese.

I'd like to meet:

Some girl who has know idea LA even exists.......but lives here. Ok so she can know it exi...oh forget it. ANY girl.


Brooklyn. Thats what I call it anyway. And sometimes Jersey, give it up Lauren H. The walking cliche of the moment is always good. When I drive hip-hop bumps me through the congested city of Hollywood. Bummed or happy I dig some Damien Rice, but regardless I end up bummed anyway. Bobby Mcfarren and Yo Yo ma. Debussy and house at the same time. Music that sounds like it should be a theme to some epic past-time movie.Teitur is today's best and tomorrows better.


The African Queen is the dogs bullocks. Willow line for line. Cate Blanchett and I have some unfinished business...I would say Casablanca yet I have still never watched it through. Old stuff was good, it was simple and we liked it, what heppened?


Sunny side of Philadelphia (why does no one know what that is, it Top Notch yall top notch I say), Curb your Enthusiasm especially caue Larry D doesnt even give a *&^* that we all got hooked and hes like "um yeah maybe Ill make another season someday", The office makes me spit on myself laughing, ummm....Weeds, and yes Betty your troup is the &*^%.


MR.POTTER got me reading again. These old adventure books called "soup" I loved them. Franny and Zoey, and now I remember MISS POTTER and all her amazing tails (she would spell it that way) and my boy D. Mamet cause its an actor thing, sorry, thats how I roll.


Nice people, Harlen Williams, Paul F. Tompkins, basically anyone who makes poeple laugh. The man who looked at the ocean and said I will build a boat, the man that said I learned something now I will figure out how to teach it, and the team in charge of making the trader joes hor'dourves, I mean really I want to make love to them.

My Blog

A sandwich.

I love them. When I think about them it could get a little weird. Two pieces of bread. Bread is made from some dried up grains that grow out of the ground. Mayonnaise. Mmmmm. Eggs and vinegar. We take...
Posted by Jaden Erin Leigh on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 12:41:00 PST

Notes on a monday.

To live it or to do it.What do we do with everything we learn, everything we see, everything we dream?Life is happening everyday all the time. Sometimes we sit around and watch T.V. all day. Sometimes...
Posted by Jaden Erin Leigh on Tue, 22 May 2007 06:00:00 PST

Live without a God.

People come to the USA from all over the world with an amazing variety of religions. Yet we seem to have enough trouble getting along with all of our own religions here at home. It is amazing how so...
Posted by Jaden Erin Leigh on Wed, 09 May 2007 11:17:00 PST

World Peace.

Why don't we make all news in America a Non-Profit in which news companies can only make money at the end of the year if a committee checks the previous years news for importance and relevance to bett...
Posted by Jaden Erin Leigh on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 12:48:00 PST

Just once...

Who do we know? Who have we met? Who will we meet? No matter what town you live in or what your career goal is everyone has a path?Bullshit.Why does everyone have to have their own path? Perhaps we ar...
Posted by Jaden Erin Leigh on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 10:47:00 PST


Things for two dollars. A bumper sticker that says "when religion ran the world they called it the dark ages"The 6th Avenue Parkway TollA large head of lettuceOne cassette tape A global NotepadEggs an...
Posted by Jaden Erin Leigh on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 04:48:00 PST


Never chase anything your not willing to catch.
Posted by Jaden Erin Leigh on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 06:52:00 PST

I want it.....

A game. A team plays a game. You cannot play by yourself. It takes others. It takes the idea of losing. Every action poses a win or a loss. Life is to win. Swim in a pool, but do not drowned. Have a j...
Posted by Jaden Erin Leigh on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 12:45:00 PST

Thought on a day...

Id rather live here than not.Id rather feel down than be down and not feel it.Its not making it thats difficult, its coping.Butterflies dont "just" land on your finger. From time to time, every though...
Posted by Jaden Erin Leigh on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 06:16:00 PST

Its isnt this

Its the same feeling you have when you break up with someone. The day goes on rippling with couples and doves, hands, kisses and dreams.  Actually looking at a child, realizing that you can make ...
Posted by Jaden Erin Leigh on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 12:47:00 PST