Abstract thinking. Affection. Adobe Photoshop. Astronomy. Black and White Film. Cats. Critical Thinking. Customer Service. Data organization. Digital Photography. Food Tasting. Friendship. Gif animations. Geocities webpages. Google Earth. Intelligence. Language. Level headed thinking. Maps. Microsoft Excel. Music. Net Flix movies. Night Photography. Organization. Photography. Photographic framing. Priority organization. Public relations. Rationality. Sarcasm. Sex. Shoe Gaze Music. Speech improvment. Wikipedia. Windows Media Audio Player. Yahoo Messenger. Zip codes.
Personally I really got to be just plain honest and straight up with you all folks out there who are accessing my profile. I really think that My space as the idea of a functional website is a piss ugly rotten peice of shit. This fucking website is a big frustrating pain in the ass for even the most expeirenced of people who know what they are doing when they are editing their pages. But may god help you if you are infact without any useful experience or useful knowldge of editing my space. You are all but fucked beyond beleif if you have no idea on what to do here. Aside from the fact of that nobody who ever seems to access my profile ever leaves a god damn photo or a comment. I got these mindless fucking web cam whores biting the rubber heels of my shoes. Not one fucking honest and plain and simple person can be heard in the crowd of all the people who are full of shit. The bullshit just drowns out the good people. Additionally, what is more is that does any one have any fucking idea at all on just how slow this website is and just how fucking prone and frequent it is to break downs and how it tends to freeze. This is not good work and functionaly by any on stretch of imagination. I could not really give less than a fuck if Tom Anderson should decide to go ahead and to delete my profile. Fuck go ahead Tom. Does'nt bother my ass. In what is my own personal view and opinon on the matter. It seems for that My space is way lot more full of shit and drama. For than having any useful measurement of fun and reality to it. Obviously fun and reality are forbidden words never to be spoken here. But were in the fuck are all the fucking real people on this shit wagon. Nobody pays any fucking attention to my profile anyway because My space functions like a fucking broken down bus driven by Otto from the Simpsons in some god forsaken ghetto neighborgood in New Jeersey where the chance for intelligence is very slim or is next to none. I am sure there are alot of people out there who can stand with me behind the remark of, ah come on, this is not good fucking work being done here. So then why the fuck you might ask am I wasting my time and dicking myself and everyone else around here on My space. The answer is plain and simple. My girl friend loves My space. I would be happy to blast a couple flash muzzle blasts into this peice of shit of which is called My space. However my girl friend is here among these people. I have to comply naturally to some of the bullshit that is being laid down here. I am not happy about it beleive you and me. But that is the way it is. I personally cannot fucking stand the low intelligence quotient here. Kermit the frog had more intelligent things and scintillating things to say and he had someone's hand stuck up deep and far and up into his ass. Please however spare me the fucking drama would ya. Spare me your ghetto language and bullshit and talk straight to me like a fucking white boy or a white girl. Pay close and careful attention to the fucking page would ya. Click on the photos and heed attention to the direction of which are being communicated to you.