Butterflies, beetles, bees, any sort of insect, biology, chemistry, crossword puzzles, Ebay, entomology, forensics, rollercoasters, the Rubik's Cube, science, seminars, solving the kind of crimes that make your brain ache.
     The great poets and writers who we all know today.
     I want all of my friends to know that I thank you all for the comments. I appreciate every single one of them that I get. However, I'm very busy in the lab about 90% of the time, so I might not be able to comment some back.
Classical, mainly, but sometimes Pink Floyd.
Silent, or anything with a good story to it.
CBS, Discovery Channel, The Food Network, The History Channel, Starz, TLC, The Travel Channel, The Weather Channel.
Applied Psychodynamics in Forensic Science, Beowulf, Biology, chemistry, collections of poetry, Crime and Punishment, entomology, experimental, forensic, forensic journals, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Moby Dick, The Odyssey, physics, Poe's works, science, Shakespeare's works, Sherlock Holmes stories, and technology books.
Insects. They always do their job no matter what.