I've been doing music since early 80's to begin with playing in a couple of bands but realized after a while that going solo is my thing.
In late 80's i started with my Blood-Feud project which resulted in Genocide album released in '93 by Gothenburg based label Voodoo records/Slask records. I tried to pick up the Blood-Feud project several times but obviously all the energy put in the Genocide album was hard to push any further. In 1998 i recorded a 3 Track Demo under the name Blood-Feud but with different sound but still with lots of bone crushing music. After a hectic period with no time to create any music in early 2000 i started several projects pointing in different musical directions.
In 2001 i recorded a demo The Love Of Light with my project Sin.
The Courier is another project i recorded The Demo with in 2002.
Back in 2002 i also started a project called Positive Contact and it's the main project that's still alive now. With that project i have in 2008 recorded Music For Pornos, Music For Accidents and Music For Whatever.
...currently i'm working on new material with Positive Contact and with a new project R.H.69
Beside making music i've also been collecting huge amounts of vinyls and cds, and yes my wife is not to happy about that. For 10 years, from 1994 to 2004, i've worked as a radio host for "i marginalen" show on Eskilstuna based local station Radio KFUM. Through those years i interviewed plenty of people and many of them are listed here as friends but i'm actually simply a big fan of them...