About me....hmmm where to start and what to say. For those that know me you know I'll probably start this pretty much on the up and up...work towards the outrageous and try to end with witty flourish. Lets see, I was born a poor black child with no rhythm...who later went on to invent the glasses handle as I searched for my "special purpose". Nooo wait that was Steve Martin in "The Jerk" So confusing sometimes... now where was I...oh yes...
I was born in Wisconsin and grew up on a farm in Iowa (really!) - although I am told you would never know that by meeting me. Not sure if that is a compliment or not but I'm taking it at face value. Honestly I wouldn't have grown up anywhere else as while it was boring at times the values I learned have followed me through my life. Plus it caused me to read voraciously through which I developed a vivid imagination as I transplanted my mind away from fields of corn. I wanted to reach the stars and explore the heavens - still do...anyone have $20 Mill to loan me for a Russian rocket?. I feel that I can do anything I put my mind to...not in a cocky way as I would never want to be accused of such. No, more in a quiet self confidence in that life isn't really that hard if you break it down and take it one step at a time. Baking and car repair aren't that different - just follow the instructions and don't be afraid to take on something new just because you may not be the best at it. I love challenges and could be called competitive. I don't mind losing so long as I know I have done my best.
I believe in romance. I believe in love. I believe in the small of a woman's back. Waaait....that was Kevin Costner in Bull Durham...but I agree with him. I believe I have been amazingly BLESSED in my Parents and Friends. Without them I would not be the man I am today. I believe that it is all too easy at times to let the world get you down about minor things and take for granted what we have. I believe Christ died for my sins. I believe that music is a blessing that can comfort, console, or just plain ROCK. I believe that I am an optimist tempered by half hearted pessimism. I believe my mother would find my spelling atrocious. I believe I'm just as happy listening to Presidential by Youngbloodz as Mercy Me as Pat Green as Gavin DeGraw as AC/DC depending on my mood. I believe one of the greatest ambitions in life is to make those around you laugh...because you know what?…it’s hard not to laugh with them. I believe in traveling foreign countries as a guest not a tourist. I believe I would someday like to design my own house. I believe I would like to design a church that would convey the Glory of God much as the Gothic architects of history attempted. I believe in beauty hidden in the little things of life. I believe I am now waxing philosophical and should probably cut it the heck out before people start referring to me as “that strange guy Brad…†I believe this is already long winded enough. I believe I forgot the witty part at the end of this ; ) I believe I’ll end with a quote:
Tho' much is taken, much abides; and tho'We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
-Tennyson, "Ulysses"