Tracy profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I love to love. I am a great listener and a great friend. I try to be the friend everyone would like to have. My husband calls me "Wonder Woman". Why? He says when he first met me that is who I reminded him of. Now, he also uses this term "Wonder" woman because I "Wonder" allot! I am always thinking "Why". Why would someone behave in such a manner, what possesses people to do what they do, etc....I think I could be a good psychologist. If I had the schooling behind me, ofcourse. I love children! I have 3 of my own. A graduate (Tasha), a teenager (Tyler), and a toddler (Makayla). They are GREAT kids! They are good to others and to themselves. Tasha is beautiful. She's into her appearance and has a beautiful smile. Tyler is into his body and music. He does not want to ever put drugs or alcohol into his system. He wants to be very athletic. Makayla, well....she's a performer! She'll be allot like her Daddy. Loves to perform and loves the attention. My husband is great! He loves me unconditionally. He sang to me "Lady" as I walked down the isle. He cried through the whole song as I did too. And everyone else (guests). It was a great evening!Myspace Backgrounds

My Interests

I enjoy karaoking with my girls! I love to dance! I love to ski (water and snow), dirt bike ride, bicycling and being hostess to our friends. I love to listen and watch my husband sing on stage.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who has a good heart! I don't have any "STARS" who I'd like to meet! OH! But, I would like to meet Lisa - Spritual Psychic. Thats about it.


T.O.L. - Alternative Folk Rock (Husbands Band) All of the 80's and top 40's


I love romance, inspirational and scary movies!


Don't watch allot of TV. BUT, I do like my Psychics! It just amazes me! I love my golden girls!


My heroes are my parents! They brought me up in a loving family atmosphere. Trust me we had our disfunctional moments but who hasn't . Its just a part of growing up and becoming wiser. I also place my friends and all those who have beaten a habit. I look up to those who have succeeded in there own personal battles and it gives me inspiration.