FILM, .. width="425" height="350" ..VIDEO,drinkin with friends in the backyard at the fire pit. Billards darts, Ghost Recon..
First of all I would love to have met my Grand father Klink and uncle Sheldon before they died and all of my ancestorsI would have liked to have met Rodney Dangerfield, John Coltrane, Notice a trend theyre all dead. Who I do want to meet is any director who has made it like speilburg, tarentino, and rodriguez those three are awesome.THE WOMAN OF MY DREAMS WOULD BE THE ICING ON THE CAKE and boy DO I like cake. haha
Any thing METAL OR ROCK to start then add a little old school rock in there with a few show tunes later. Metallica, Iron Maiden, Pearl Jam, Avendged Sevenfold, Atreyu, DMB, Disturbed, Metallica, Iron Maiden Coltrane. Swing. Jazz. Coheed and Cambria. High Council. Dream Theater.Pretty Much Anything, but not a country fan. and i like very very few r&b and rap but i still like it better than country
Living in Oblivion, l Maricachi, Desperado,Once opon a time in mexico, Pulp Fiction, Sin City, My Cousin Vinnie, Xmen 1 2 3,Pretty much any movie. from the three directors listed above
THE FUCKIN SOPRANO's, BIG LOVE, DEADWOOD, ENTOURAGE, ER, HOUSE, GREYS ANATOMY, every thing but reality tv shows fuck reality tv shows
don't read books fuck books I read scripts. but this semester i read text books alas i have no life
My Uncle Sheldon (rip), GRAND PARENTS ON BOTH SIDES especially Grandpa Morris Rosenberg. he is the coolest guy ever. hero of ww2 saved his COmmanding officer and was almost captured by nazis