amber profile picture


grade A fancy

About Me

I like fancy sandwiches. I don't like olives, cauliflower, raw carrots, or cantaloupe. I do like cabbage, sauerkraut, spinach and brussel sprouts.
I become more determined as life presents difficult circumstances.

My Interests

Punk It Buttons (I love 'em)
roller derby
Lazy mornings followed by busy afternoons...
...followed by nights full of mayhem.
wheels and bearings
Riedell 265 skates
my ipod
calling cues
pushing and shoving
derby bruises
food with loads of flavor
doing what I say I'm going to do

I'd like to meet:

People who promise less but deliver more. People who actually get off the internet to do the things they talk about doing. Motivated people.
"A little less conversation and a lot more action".

My favorite clip from Cherry Stomp....I take the jammer (and myself) out at the end:


Sleater Kinney, The Arcade Fire, Murder City Devils , Led Zeppelin, The Decemberists, Miles Davis, Nelly, Willie Nelson, CABIN , Jenny Lewis, Loretta Lynn, The Who, Joe Manning , The Frumpies, Chicago, Asobi Seksu , Tamara Dearing , William Elliot Whitmore, The Mars Volta, Dolly Parton, The Merediths , Bikini Kill, Michael Jackson, The Ronettes, France Gall, 13th Floor Elevators, Dusty Springfield, Dwight Yoakam, Patty Griffin, Etta James, Shirtless Biddles, Cyndi Lauper, Quasi, The Buzzcocks, The Gossip, George Jones, Irma Thomas and The Zombies


Waiting for Guffman, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Eternal Sunshine, Brokeback Mountain, Walk the Line, Shopgirl, Thumbsucker, Me You and Everyone We Know, Little Miss Sunshine, Savanah Smiles, Coal Miners Daughter


Rollergirls. Lost. The West Wing. Six Feet Under. Best Week Ever.


barbara kingsolver - The Poisonwood Bible, Prodigal Summer
also - The lovely Bones, A Walk in the Woods, Middlesex, Where the Crow Flies, A Widow for One Year


mom, of course.
and the Her0's in my life - Dill, Brownie and Petunia.
And these two amazing ladies who teach me about the sport and sisterhood of roller derby every time I'm near them.

My Blog

I done been quoted....

Get the spread on Strawberry Jam
Posted by Strawberry Jam ::Naptown Roller Girl:: on Thu, 03 May 2007 12:57:00 PST


Today is the happiest I've been since Jan. 13th.  and just now, for some unknown reason, I decided to look at my horoscope (which I haven't done in....oh, years....and it had this to say:Taurus ...
Posted by Strawberry Jam ::Naptown Roller Girl:: on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 02:36:00 PST

i only like the best of things

You scored as wine. you are mature and up class, and only like the best of things. wine71%rum63%midori63%vodka58%beer54%champagne50%bourbon46%a bsinthe33%daiquaries25%whiskey21%what alcoholic drink ar...
Posted by Strawberry Jam ::Naptown Roller Girl:: on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 05:56:00 PST

Naptown Roller Girls in the media!

The tireless NAPTOWN ROLLER GIRLS are getting up early and staying up late to bring you all the dirt on derby and on our upcoming CHERRY STOMP bout at the Indiana State Fairgrounds on Jan. 13 at 7 p.m...
Posted by Strawberry Jam ::Naptown Roller Girl:: on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 03:36:00 PST

Up to Date with the Naptown Roller Girls

There is still so much going on in December for the Naptown Roller Girls!!!Listen to us Friday (12/22) night on WICR, 88.7 on the Free Zone from midnight - 3amCall in and...
Posted by Strawberry Jam ::Naptown Roller Girl:: on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 09:54:00 PST

Derby Happenings

We have a lot on our plates this holiday season! Are you ready for it?Dec. 1st we'll be at the Harrison Art Center for First Friday selling roller skate cookies, tshirts and tickets to our bout on Ja...
Posted by Strawberry Jam ::Naptown Roller Girl:: on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 08:12:00 PST


nothing about today is going the way i wanted it to.  
Posted by Strawberry Jam ::Naptown Roller Girl:: on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 10:22:00 PST

Halloween Party Pics

From Red Rocket's Party on 10/28Someday I'll find that program that lets me reduce the size of my photos and I can post the actual photo's in here again.....but for now, click the link.By the way, I w...
Posted by Strawberry Jam ::Naptown Roller Girl:: on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 06:28:00 PST

Check out this event: Naptown Roller Girls Benefit show

Hosted By: Naptown Roller GirlsWhen: Thursday Sep 28, 2006 at 8:30 PMWhere: Locals Only2449 E. 56thIndianapolis, IN 46220USDescription:Naptown Roller Girls to stage raucous benefit! Click Here To View...
Posted by Strawberry Jam ::Naptown Roller Girl:: on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 08:24:00 PST

Support my girls!

Naptown Roller Girls are walking in the Indiana AIDS walk. Click our name and you can make a donation to support our efforts!...
Posted by Strawberry Jam ::Naptown Roller Girl:: on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 09:06:00 PST