Ok. I've been thinking a lot and I've realized that I have a lot to say. Now remember this is what I think, you dont have to like what I say, but just respect my opinion for what I have to say. Ok Im going to just start writing stuff so it might be a little random. Here it goes!
1. I cant stand Laguna Beach, all those people on the show bother me so much that they are so fake. All that they prove is that teenagers this day are only interested in bitching about other people and talking behind others back, even if they are already friends with them. Partying is great but that shouldnt be the focus of your life. There is more to life than being rich and popular.
2. Girls need to stop thinking about what others think about eachother. You are who you are and that the way you should be. You should be your own person. Everyone is beautiful in their own special way even if they might not think that they arent on the outside. Looks arent everything and everyone should stop focusing on them because there can be so much beauty besides the part on the outside.
3. Guys need stop worrying about being a man! You dont have to be some sport fanatic testostorone filled neanderthal to be a man. Also you should have repsect for women in the fact that they arent some sort of property or trophy that you have. Show that you care about hem and dont make them feel like shit because you are so dumb that you dont even realize how amazing they are. Show some respect for yourselves and the people around you by not being an asshole. Ok this kinda of goes for both sexes, but whatever. People need to stop making fun of other people. Its beyond reason what makes something fun about causing other people pain. I know I got made fun of through out grade school and junior high for being fat, and it was the most traumatic part of my life. I still have self image issues to this day. It just makes me sick when other people have to make other peoples lives a living hell when they just cant do anything about it.
4. I dont understand why people smoke or do drugs. Its impossible that you have not heard that they are bad for you. Why would you want to do something to yourself that is that bad to you? I dont care that it might make you happy for a few minutes or hours because in the long run youre just taking more than that in your quality of life.
5. Your sexual preference is not a choice! Why would I put this on upon myself when I know how difficult is to be different. Yes I like guys. And for straight guys just because I like guys doesnt mean Im attracted to you because more than likely I dont and even if I did its not like I would do anything to you. Im not contagious. We should have to rights that all other have, which includes not being harassed by ignorant people, being abled to get married and be happy. We are no different than any other of you. I dont care what the bible says because I do know in my heart that God or whatever you believe in would not create people he didnt mean to be created. He wouldnt create something thats a sin when its born. Being gay is NOT a sin!
6. I'm not a relationship guru or anything, but I do know communication is the most important thing. I constantly listen to my friends talk about their bf/gf and how they're not getting along. I ask " Did you talk to them about it ?" Then they would say " I don't think I need to or what's the point? " AGH!!! Well if they don't get it talk them about it. Communication is such an important part of a relationship. Not just saying whats wrong , but you have to listen to your bf/gf;s point of view and see where they're coming from. Don't ruin your relationship because you're to stubborn to talk about something.
7. It seems that the gay community has gotten the stereotype of being " promiscous " (nice way of saying it). Well unfortunately it's not all that wrong. Don't get me wrong I mean there are plenty of guys that want a relationship and are faithful , but it seems that are so many guys that are just looking to hookup . I have to admit I used to be like this. I'm not proud of what I did in the past and I do wish I could go back and change some things like most people. You become at great risk of spreading STDs , especially ones like HIV that are just beyond horrible . Sex is amazing obviously, but it isnt worth the risking your life . Not only that, but finding someone you love is such an amazing thing and everyone should experience that.
Ill think of more later. I know its random, but whatever. lol
Wake Up
And Pay Attention!Turn Up Your
Speakers & Listen! Why do
people commit suicide?Why do
people cut themselves?Why do
girls become anorexic and bulimic?Why do
kids bring guns to school?Why do
we get depressed and start abusing meds?Why do
girls feel the need to act like sluts to impress guys?Why cant people
show their sexuality freely, without worrying about being judged?In the Bill Of Rights,
it says we have freedom of speech!So why
are we so afraid to speak up for ourselves? MyGen Profile Generator